julieta x ghost!reader

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You watch Julieta as she's helping people around town. you purposely stopping this one guy from getting hurt because the first time he got hurt Julieta seem to like him from the way she looked at him.

"you know you can't stop her from moving on forever?" you hear behind you

you turn and cross your arms at you look at the older gentleman.

"I'm her husband and father to her daughters" you say

"well i'm her father and we're both dead. " Pedro tells you

that's right. you are dead. you died before luisa's first birthday. you got in an accident while helping clear the forrest a bit and a tree crushed you to death. now you watch over your girls and do everything to make sure Julieta doesn't date anyone else.

"you know you're being selfish right?" He ask

You try to ignore him and groan as Agustin goes near a bee hive like he's not a bee magnet.

"get away from there you idiot!" you yell even though he won't be able to hear you

Pedro turns you and makes you look at him

"Hijo.. do you really want Julieta to mourn you every day the same way my wife does? do you want your daughters to wonder why they don't have a father figure? " he ask you

You look in his eyes so he can see the hurt

"what if she forgets me? what if the girls never hear my name? then i'm gone. You're still her because she thinks of you and talks to you every night. Julieta won't love me anymore if she moves on. " you say sadly

he hugs you

"she will never stop loving you and she definitely will tell the girls stories of you. moving on doesn't mean to stop loving the person who dies "

you realize your mistakes. You sigh and push the bees on Agustin. he yells and swells up.

"well that actually felt nice. " you admit

Pedro couldn't help but laugh. You watch him and Julieta interact. soon Agustin ask Julieta on a date. for months you watch them interact and yes you are jealous but you are happy she isn't crying.

one night Julieta is sitting in her room and stares out the window to the moon. you stand in the room and watch her.

"oh (y/n).. i love you. should i even be doing this with Agustin? i feel so confused. i think i love him but i don't want to forget you. oh if only you can tell me what to do." she says and then lays down.

you sigh and lay with her. you don't like her like this. you are going to have to do the one thing that will make your ghost on earth weaker. you didn't want to go to the after life yet but if this rushes it then so be it. when Julieta falls asleep you enter her dream. 

she's there in her room but it's different, it has some of your stuff laying around. she looks around and then she sees you.

"mi vida" she says happy and hugs you

you smile and hold her.

"oh mi dulce i've missed you. but I don't have that much time. i have to talk to you" you tell her

"wait what? " she ask looking at you.

"it's okay to be with Agustin. it's okay to love him. Just don't forget to tell the girls about me. keep my memory alive. it's okay to move on Julieta. You aren't tied to me at all. I love everything about you and I'll wait for you in the after life. Be strong for our girls and get them a father figure. a you are alive.. enjoy life for me. when it's your time I'll be waiting with your papi. he's a cool guy. " you said

you give her a kiss and she kisses back. you pull away and keep a hand on her cheek staring in her eyes.

"i love you " she tells you tearing up

"I love you too mi dulce. in life and death my beautiful wife. " you tell her

you both see a bright light. you look at it and then you look at her.

"well that's for me.. stay strong Juli. "

you smile at her then turn and walk into the bright light.

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