war (Isabela x male reader)

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something short just because

Isabela nervously waits with the other families of soldiers. You and her got married right before you had to leave for war. she begged you not to go but you had to.

"I'll see you after the war, I love you" is that last thing you told her.

Your letters was the only thing to keep her going. you promised to make it home to her. you told her to make your favorite flower whenever she missed you and that's what she did. for the first few weeks that's the only thing she made.

"here they come!" someone yells excited as the buses rolled in.

Isabela watches the soldiers come out and searches the crowd. she looks over every face waiting to see you. she watches family be ruined and she can't help but stand there playing with her ring. she sees the general walking her way with a flag and some dog tags and her heart just drops.

"no." she whispers to her self

He gets closer and Isabela feels as if she is going to throw up. you promised to come home.

"I'm sorry" the general says

But it's not to Isabela it's to the woman next to her who falls into the general's arm crying. Isabela can't help but feel relief it wasnt you who died

"Mi vida!" she hears a familiar voice shout

She turns and sees the man she married run towards her. she smiles and runs into your arms. you hold her close and smile

"I told you I'd come home. I would never break my promise" you whisper in her ear as you hold her close. 

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