falling for a wall (carlos x GN reader)

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You've been dating Carlos Madrigal, the towns menace, for a month. you seem to be more affectionate then him. you don't know why you feel for the bad boy but you did. sometimes you wonder if he really likes you back or just asked you out just because.

"hey amor do you have time to maybe walk around?" you ask him

"no i'm busy (y/n).. see you later" he said

he walks off and you sigh.

"Falling in lovewith you islike falling for a wall. Just waiting for you to call Or for you to pick up the phone. You're always so busy. Miss you so much, doesn't that sound silly.Don't I deserve better. Why you can't give as much as you get. I'm putting in the effort. Still haven't learned my lesson yet.Falling in love with you is like waiting for blue skies When the clouds all start to fight." you say quietly to yourself.

maybe you and Carlos are too different. maybe you should just break up with him. he isn't making any effort to be with you. you look up and Dolores looks at you. your eyes widen.

"Dolores" you say and step forward.

Dolores squeaks and runs off the way Carlos went.

"Dolores don't you dare!" you whisper shout

a wagon gets in your way and you groan. you lost sight of Dolores.

"great" you say sarcastically and hurry home.

maybe if you hide you don't have to face the curly haired boy.

Dolores runs and grabs her younger brothers arm

"what the hell Lola" he said pulling his arm away

"(y/n) is going to break up with you because you want to always push them away. they are tired of talking to a wall. you don't open up or have time for them." Dolores tells him

carlos pauses and that bad boy persona of his seems to drop

"no they can't break up with me. i love them" Carlos said panicking

"you love them?" Dolores said surprised

"yeah i do.. or whatever. "Carlos said

he runs to your house not caring about the people looking at him weird. He knocks and your mom lets him in. He knocks on your door

"go away ma" you say and he can tell you've been crying

Carlos comes inside and closes the door. you look up from having your face in the pillow and wipe your eyes.

"shit Carlos" you turn so he can't see your face.

he sits on your bed and plays with the ends of his ruana.

"(y/n)... i'm uh... i'm sorry" he said uncomfortable

"what?" you say surprise.

anyone who knows Carlos knows he doesn't apologize

"Look i love you. i don't want you to doubt that. i'm not very good at emotions or showing it" he said clearly uncomfortable

"you really love me?" you ask

"yeah i do dumbass i just said it. " he said making sure his hair covers one eye.

You hug him and he takes a second to hug back. he seems to relax in your arms.

"i never thought i'd hear i love you from the carlos madrigal" you said

"oh hush up and get use to it "Carlos said and pull you down to cuddle

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