isabela x bigender reader

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you was having a hard day mentally. you wrap yourself in your blanket and groan when someone knocks thinking it's your mom. Isabela walks in your room.

"Amor i thought today... " she starts to say then she sees you.

she instantly knows something is wrong since you are hiding in your blanket that she got you for your first anniversary that has pictures of you both together.

"what's wrong?" she closes your door and sits on your bed.

you shake your head not feeling like talking and she rubs your back. she knows sometimes you completely shut off.

"are you having a dysphoric day?" she ask

you nod your head so she knows what's going on.

"can i call your beautiful today or handsome? one thumbs up for Beautiful and 2 for handsome. " she said

you give her (how ever many) thumbs up.

"well my (handsome/beautiful)  partner. I love you so so much. how about we cuddle today and just watch some shows?"

you peek and ask if you can watch your favorite show which makes Isabela smile big. she's so happy to hear your voice since it's her favorite sound.

"of course. anything you want amor. "

she makes your favorite flower and put it in your hair.

"i love you" she tells you happy

"i love you too Isa" you said low but loud enough for her to hear.

you two spend the rest of the day watching shows and cuddling. she just reminds you how perfect and amazing you are.

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