home for bedtime (julieta x male reader)

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Finally you are out of jail. you went to jail for beating up a guy who was about to hurt your brother in law bruno. you was only sentenced for 3 years while your wife Julieta was pregnant. You walk to casita and it waves happy to see you.  you know it's kind of late since it should be bed time for the kids in the house.

"Hola Casita. " you smile.

you walk in and hear little giggles. you know it has to be either your daughter Isabela or niece Dolores. you follow it and see Pepa with a little girl you know is dolores from photos.

"Pepita " you say

she looks up and tears up

"(y/n)" she runs and hugs you.

you hug her back and almost drop the flowers in your hand.

"hola Hermana. " you whisper

"hola hermano" she said smiling.

You pull away and wave to Dolores. she runs and hides behind Pepa.

"Dolores that's Tio (y/n)" she tells her daughter

"Isa's papi.. hi Tio" Dolores says peeking

"hi dolores. you are beautiful like your mami" you smile.

you take a daisy out the bouquet and hand it to Dolores.

"thank you " she smiles

you smile at her.

"Julieta and Isabela is up in the room. " Pepa let's you know

you thank her and walk up stairs and take a deep breath. this is the most nervous you may have ever been, well other than the day you married Julieta. You lightly knock and wait on an answer

"come in" Julieta says

Casita moves the tiles under your feet as if to tell you to go. you slowly open the door and Julieta is busy brushing Isabela's hair to look up

"Juli.." you say

her head shoots to the door not believing her ears it's your voice.

"mi vida i'm home. " you say

she starts to cry as you walk over. Isabela looks at you and then at the picture of you and Julieta while she was pregnant on the night stand.

"papi?" she ask

"si Isabela mi flor it's papi. " you tell her

she runs to you and you pick her up. you hug both her and Julieta.

"you came home" Julieta says in disbelief

"i'm home... i'm home for good. " you tell her.

"papi you got flowers. " Isabela says looking at them

"these are for you" you tell the little girl

"for me?" she ask happy

you nod and give her the flowers.

"mami sent me so many pictures and i knew you was mi flor. you looked like the most perfect flower so i had to get you some. " you explain

Julieta smiles as you interact with Isabela.

"papi can you read books to me and Dolores?" she ask

"anything you want. " you tell her

you carry her  to her room and Julieta follows you both. Pepa is putting Dolores in her bed and you put Isabela in hers.

"story time today is brought to you by me.. the one and only (y/n) Madrigal. " you say smiling.

you smile and read 3 different books to the girls acting out each character making the girls happy. they want another but you let them know tomorrow you will read more. you don't notice your wife and sister in law smiling at you.

"good night girls"

you kiss your niece on her head and then your daughter on both her cheeks then her forehead. You see the women in the door way smiling at you. you smile back and walk out with them.

"Good night. i know you two have a lot of time to make up for. I expect a nephew or niece out tonight. " Pepa says winking

she walks away and Julieta is blushes.

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