valentines special (Dolores x g!n reader)

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You've been dating Dolores for a few months now. every time there is a party you don't dance with her. you know it upsets her but she makes it seem like it's not a big deal. You just can't dance and don't want to embarrass yourself. so you asked Felix to teach you how to dance with a note of course so Dolores wouldn't hear. He's been teaching you with Pepa there so when he said something he'd pretend he's talking to pepa. so it's been a month and you can now dance. it's just in time for Valentine's day.

You walk up to casita and the door opens.

"thank you Casita"

you walk inside and head to Dolores's room. she opens the door before you knock and hug you

"happy valentine's day mi corazón" Dolores says smiling at you

"happy valentine's day mi vida." you kiss her cheek

"so what are we doing today you secret keeper" she ask

you smile since you've done a good job keeping everything a secret from her what you plan since you've given notes to people when looking for something.

"well we are going somewhere special. may I hold your hand my lady?" you ask

you hold your hand out and she gladly takes it. you smile and walk her into the woods.

"i hope you like it" you whisper nervously

"i will because you did it for me." Dolores says

she's excited for an actual surprise since she always knows when her family is trying to surprise her.  you two finally walk into a clearing near the lake where you set up your date

  you two finally walk into a clearing near the lake where you set up your date

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"surprise" you say smiling

"that's beautiful" Dolores says hugging you

she packs your lips and you smile big. you lead her over and take out a picnic you prepared. you two eat and feed each other strawberries.

"thank you for all this.. it's wonderful" she smiles

"i uh have one more surprise.." you tell her

Dolores looks at you with her big beautiful eyes that makes you smile. you play some music and stand up and hold your hand out. she grabs it and you help her up.

"dance with me.."

"i thought you didn't dance." Dolores said confused

"I learned.. for you"

she smiles big and you two dance. you move in perfect sync and your bodies move as one. Dolores smiles big happy. you spin her and then dip her. she blushes and you kiss her. she kisses back and you pull her close.

"best valentines day ever."she whispers

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