mom!Dolores x son!reader

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title:so big so small (based on so big so small from dear evan hansen)

Dolores sigh as Mariano is coming for his stuff to leave. they had problems and decided to split. Mariano didn't want to be a family man. it was the day after valentine's day. 4 year old you was playing inside with your tio Antonio

"don't come outside" Dolores tells you when she hears a truck pull up

You look out the window and see a truck and Mariano

"a truck! mami a truck. i wanna see please" you beg.

she sighs and takes you outside.

"Papi!! " you smile big

Mariano smiles small and it breaks Dolores heart. she knows you won't see him again and it makes her feel small.

"come here bud" Mariano said

he puts you in the front seat and you smile big. you thought it was the coolest thing ever.

"this is so cool!" you smile

You see Mariano go get boxes and put it in the truck.

"come on Conejito" Dolores said

"papi.." you say watching him as Dolores grabs your hand and leads you to casita

Mariano looks away and gets in the truck and you watch it go away. You sadly just hold on to Dolores and don't leave her side the rest of the day.

"Chiquito do you want to come play with abuela so mami can do some stuff?" Pepa ask

you just hide your face in Dolores's dress.

"it's okay Mami.. " Dolores tries to reassure her mom.

Casita felt so big to Dolores without Mariano. now it's you and her against the world. you yawn and look up at Dolores.

"mami im sleepy" you tell her.

she picks you and start to carry you to the nursery.

"can i sleep in your bed?" you ask

she nods and goes to her room with you. she tucks you into her bed and kiss your head.  you sit up sad.

"Is there another truck coming to our driveway?A truck that will take mami away" you ask looking away.

a lump goes into Dolores throat. she felt as if she failed you. she grabs your hand and squeezes it lightly. you look at her with tears in your eyes.

"There's not another truck in the driveway. Your mom isn't going anywhere. Your mom is staying right here. Your mom isn't going anywhere. Your mom is staying right here. No matter what I'll be here. " she reassured you

you hug her and she holds you. she lays with you and cuddles with you until you fall asleep.

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