hes mine (Camiloxmale reader)

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now Camilo has never been the jealous type. that was until he fell for you. everyone guys and girls seemed to have some sort of crush on you. he made you fall for his charm and goofiness. soon you two became boyfriends. there is a new person in town and you decided to show them around.

Camilo goes into town since he has a free day and go looking for you since you wasn't home. He stops the moment he sees you laughing with another guy and put your hand on his shoulder. something just triggered him and he walks over.

"hi novio. " Camilo says and kisses your cheek.

"Cami hi. this is Gabriel and he's new here. " you introduce your boyfriend to your new friend.

You notice Camilo glaring and Gabriel clearly uncomfortable. Camilo is holding you close.

"I uh gotta go... see you around (y/n) "

"oh okay. see you Gabe. " you say watching him leave

You turn to Camilo who's eyes don't leave Gabriel until he's gone.

"what the heck Camilo!" you say and move from him.

You only call him Camilo when you are upset.

"what?" he ask

you huff and walk off.


he chases after you and grabs your arm. You turn to face him.

"can i not have friends?" you ask

"yea but not when they look at you the way he was. " Camilo crosses his arms

"what way? i was just showing him around Camilo. Nothing more. "

"please stop calling me Camilo it's Cami or Novio. " Camilo says upset you are upset

you sigh and run a hand threw your hair.

"are you jealous if me talking to a new guy?" you ask

Camilo looks away and nods. you pull him close.

"you are mine and i'm yours okay cami? nobody else can steal my heart the way you do. I love you. " you tell him

he looks at you and smiles.

"all mine. " he pecks your lips.

"now let's go get some food." you tell your boyfriend

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