i love you(bruno x G!N reader)

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You and Bruno have been best friends for forever. you always tell Bruno you love him because well he's your best friend. he would always smile and say "me too". 

right now you and Bruno are hanging out by the lake just relaxing.

"it's nice to get out.. thank you for this" Bruno tells you smiling

"of course. I love spending time with my bestfriend " you said smiling at him

Bruno forces a smile on his face. Best friend. the word that makes his heart ache all the time. he loves you more than that. he always has but doesn't want to lose you.

"Bruno..." you said looking at the water

"yes (y/n).." he looks at you.

"we can always be honest with each other right?" you said

Bruno starts to sweat a bit because he doesn't know what you are going to ask

"of course (y/n) ... I mean i'm always honest with you. " he said awkwardly

"well.. i was just wondering.. ugh it's so dumb" you said and run a hand through your hand

"no if you feel a way about something it's not dumb... tell me" Bruno holds your hand

"okay.. well... why don't you say 'i love you too' whenever i tell you i love you? ... it's stupid i know" you said

Bruno sighs and let's go your hand looking down at his hands.

"I'm sorry... You know I care so much about you. And- I.. I wish I could look into your eyes and say that I love you with the same intensity that you do. But I don't, and I know you'd rather have me tell you the truth."

"w-what?" you said shocked

"I love you (y/n) but not as a friend. I love you with all my heart and soul. i'm in love with you and i understand if-" Bruno starts but he's cut off

your lips crash on to his. he shock and you pull away

"shit Bruno sorry I-" you start

this time you are cut off by Bruno's lips meeting yours.

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