Julieta x male reader

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there was chatter all around town about a famous boxer coming. 20 year old Julieta had a lot of people to heal today due to them trying to box each other to impress the one and only (y/n) (L/n) one of the top boxers there is.

"who even is the guy who's coming?" Julieta ask her sister

"you don't know who (y/n) (l/n) is!? Gosh Felix loves the guy and i think he's a good boxer. " Pepa tells her sister

she goes on and explains some of the fighting terms and stuff to Julieta.

"and he's pretty cute... don't tell Felix i said that "

Julieta chuckles and agrees not to say a word. Bruno comes in with you laughing.

"oh hey Juli hey Pepita this is my new friend (y/n). he pushed some guys away from me. the moment they saw him they ran. " Bruno said not knowing who you are

Pepa looks at you wide eye while Julieta can see why her sister said you was cute.

"you.. my boyfriend loves you! not like romantically but like a fan" pepa tells you excited

"really? well how about i give you this...." you give her 4 tickets to your sold out fight.

Pepa's eyes widen. Felix is going to flip.

"maybe you can bring your boyfriend and siblings" you said smiling

"yes! juli.. Brunito get ready for tonight!" Pepa happily runs off.

you look at Julieta and get lost in her eyes. it's like time stop and you was staring at a goddess. Julieta blushes and looks back at you. 

"uh guys.. i'm still here" Bruno announces picking up on you both staring at one another.

you blush and clear your throat.

"hi i'm (y/n).." you say and kiss Julietas hand

"oh hi i'm Julieta. " she blushes

"beautiful name and even more beautiful woman "

"third wheel bruno of course" Bruno mumbles.

"I better go get ready for tonight. those are for you guys to get in a little early so you can be in the front. I'll let the security know you guys can come back stage after my fight " you tell them before you run off.

Julieta smiles and tells bruno she has to go get ready.


When they announce you in the ring you spot the triplets and Felix. you point your glove at Julieta and wink.

"oh he thinks you are cute " Pepa whispers to her sister

Julieta blushes and hushes her sister.

During your match it looks like you are about to lose as you are down

"you got this (y/n) !" you hear Julieta shout

that gives you the strength to get up and keep going. you end up winning and go back to get cleaned up. the triplets and felix get escorted backstage. Julieta goes over and hands you an arepa. you thank her and eat it. Bruno explained their gifts to you and you thought it was cool.

"Pepa this is your boyfriend Felix right?" you ask

she nods and you shake hands with Felix.

"here you can have them" you hand them your gloves after you sign them

"woah for real?" he ask excited

you nod and smile. He shows Pepa excitedly and she smiles at her boyfriend. You introduce Bruno to your manager who is your best friend name Ashley. you then turn and smile at Julieta

"you know I only won because of you.. you are some sort of good luck charm" you tell Julieta

"no way"

"yes way. i heard your voice and it helped me get up. guess not only your cooking can heal but that beautiful voice too... can we have dinner together? we can invite your siblings and Felix if you don't want it like a date or we can have dinner with them and you can go on a date with me tomorow?" you said and anyone can hear the nerve in your voice.

"yes i will go on a date with you tomorrow. a group dinner sounds wonderful for tonight" Julieta smiles at you

that's how the boxer fell for the healer.

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