home (pepa x male reader)

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Pepa sighs as she looks at the last picture of you and your three beautiful kids. today will be hard since it's Antonio's ceremony and you haven't come back from war. you've been gone for a year, 2 months and 3 days. the army couldn't find you so they pronounced you dead. it broke Pepa's heart. the kids ask everyday when you will be home and pepa only tells them soon. Mirabel made him a stuff animal with a soldier's outfit so he had a part of you.

Felix has taken an interest in pepa and been around. Pepa appreciates the attention but he's no you. He was a close friend of yours but always had a crush on your wife.

"god this has to be perfect. Antonio is getting his gift. " Pepa stresses

Felix swats the cloud away

"it's okay... he will do perfect and get a gift" Felix assures the woman

she sighs and chants clear skies. after they find the small boy Pepa gives him a hug and kiss.

"pepa you are going to get him all wet. " Felix says and pulls her from the young boy

"your making you papa proud " Camilo says and shifts into you

that makes the young boy smile big.

"papi would be proud of me. " he says smiling.

soon after Alma has her speech the young boy is standing there scared. he looks at the door and is frozen in fear. Casita moves the tiles under his feet to tell him to go. He looks around and before he can ask Mirabel he sees a familiar face smiling at him.

"go on" you mouth to him

He holds out his hand.

"I need you" Your youngest son say

You step out the crowd and everyone gasp. you hug your son and kiss the top of his head.

"let's get you to your door. " you tell him

he smiles big and holds on to your hand. Pepa smiles and tries to keep the tears away. your two older kids tear up missing you. You get the youngest up to alma. you kiss her cheek and walk over to your family. your family cling to you as they watch Antonio. right now it's about him.

Your heart melts at Antonio's giggle as he gets his gift. he was an animal guy like you. after the family picture and everyone is partying. your family can't help but cling on you. you kiss Pepa and hug all your kids tight.

"i missed you all" you tell them

"you kept your promise" Antonio said smiling

"yes i did. i told you i would never miss your ceremony tonito. " you smile

you dance with your family and when the night ends you and pepa tuck in Antonio. You go check on Dolores first and she's waiting.

"pa I wanted a hug before i went to bed. " she says

you smile and no matter how old she gets she will always be your baby. she is the "oh you can't do that? my papi can" kind of girl. you kiss her head and hug her.

"i love you princesa" you tell her

"i love you too pa. make sure to stop by camilos room he's waiting. " she tells you

you smile and go check on your middle child. Camilo is sitting on his bed.

"Milo my boy. " you walk to him and he hugs you and buries his face in your chest

"pa i missed you." he mumbles

"i missed you more. you did your job of man of the family?" you asked and play with his hair

He nods and smiles up at you

"I was mami's right hand. I made sure to give her tea like you taught me " he tells you proud of himself

"that's my boy. I love you. "

"i love you too"

you tuck him in and kiss his head. you walk out and walk to your shared room with Pepa.

you enter and Pepa smiles. she hugs you and you hug her back.

"mi sol. " she says

you smile and kiss her. she kisses you back with a hunger to make up for lose time.

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