julieta x son!reader

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"mama look!" Giggled 6 year old (y/n)

you brought a frog in from outside.  you are the second born to Julieta and Agustin. just a year older than luisa.

"mijo put that back outside " Julieta ask her son while holding 1 year old Mirabel on her hip.

He pouts and uses his water gift to put the frog back outside and makes sure he doesn't leave drops of water on the floor. 

"can i go find papi?" you ask

"so but if you don't see him in the front come back inside." your mami say

"okay ma." you say and kiss Mirabels leg before running off.

what Julieta didn't know is that's the last time she'd see her son. he was lured away by a man with balloons and promised him frogs.

Antonio noticed there was a door and nobody talked about it. the name covered and Antonio was told to stay away from it. when casita was rebuilt the door was gone. Julieta hurt the most knowing the door wasn't there meaning her son was gone.

Julieta is cooking in the kitchen and Antonio runs in with a frog.  Isabela was helping her cook.

"Tia!" he shouts happy

she turns and smiles at her nephew. she sees the frog in his hand and her heart aches. her boy use to bring in frogs all the time.

"oh what a nice friend " Julieta says and wipes her hands

the frog makes noises and Antonio nods.

"Tia. he said he knows you. he said your boy use to bring him here. i think he's confused. you don't have a son"

Both Isabela and Julieta tense up. Isabela knows the boy who enters her dreams sometimes was to be real. she saw a photo in her papi's wallet of her and the boy hugging and matching.

"how about you out your friend back outside " Julieta says and sadness is in her voice.

little does she know is you entered town. you found out you was kidnapped as a kid and this was your home so you returned. you are the splitting image of your abuelo Pedro. Julieta always said how much you looked like your abuelo. you would smile at his photo every morning telling him you'd make him proud.  you run a hand through your hair and follow the instructions to casita.

"okay you got this (y/n). ask for Agustin or Julieta Madrigal. " you say to yourself

a girl with a red ribbon in her hair walks over before you knock.

"hi. " she says smiling at you with tears in her eyes

"uh hi.. um do you live here?" you ask awkwardly.

"si primo.. im your cousin Dolores " she said

"oh.. wait you know who i am?" you ask confused

she nods and hugs you. you hug back and it's comforting like you know her all your life.

"your mami is in her room. Your papi is coming now. oh but your oldest  sister is in the kitchen. "

she holds your hand and takes you inside. you go in the kitchen and you and Isabela look at each other. you recognize her.

"Izzy" you say

"(nickname)" she said tearing up

she hugs you and you hug back. just by calling her that nickname she has memories of you that was locked away. her little brother is back. A gasp is heard upstairs with a bit of thunder. Pepa sees your door reappear and it's bright. before your door went out.

"Julieta! mami!" Pepa shouts

Alma and Julieta come out their rooms and look at what Pepa is yelling about.

"my baby" Julieta whispers and touches the door.

you and Isabela come out the kitchen and casita moves Julieta from her spot and takes her downstairs. she trips and you catch her. she looks up at the tall man in front of her and she knows who you are. she would always recognize her child.

"(y/n).. mijo" she said

she cries and you hug her and you start to cry with her. Agustin walks in and hears crying.

"what's going on ?" he ask isabela

"my brother"

he looks and sees you


he rushed over and hugs you and julieta.

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