julieta x male reader angst (3)

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"we can't keep doing this " Pepa whispers to you

you both are sneaking out the woods. you take a leaf out her hair as she straightens her dress.

"we are both single adults. " you tell her

"but you are still married to my sister. so i can't continue. "pepa said

"pepa" you try to say

she kisses your cheek and you sigh. you have a decision to make. you head to get some papers you had in a drawer. you walk to casita with an idea in your mind. 

"papi" Luisa said smiling at you.

"hi my angel" you kiss her head.

"oh i can't talk i have to go do something for abuela" she tells you

"oh okay" you said

you go inside and walk to the kitchen.

"well who is it?" you hear Julieta say

"i... uh it was a one night stand " you hear pepa say

"well congrats. we are here for you. ip can't wait for another baby" julieta said

"well nobody can know." pepa said

you walk in

"hello ladies. hey Pepa mind if i talk to Julieta?" she said

"oh uh yeah. you didn't hear anything right?" she asked

"you two was talking?" you ask even though you heard it all.

Pepa walks out and you look at Julieta.

"so what did you want to talk about?" she ask

"i.. um i want a divorce " you said

Julieta drops what was in her hand. she yelps as hot water hits her feet. you quickly run over and pick her up. you put her on the counter.

"let me get something to put on it. " you say panicking

"hey get me an arepa" Julieta said

you get it for her and she eats it. you look at her and she looks at you. your heart aches.

"i love you (y/n) please don't" she said

"Juli i.. i just can't" you sigh

"do you not love me anymore?" Julieta ask

"julieta... i will always love since you gave me our daughters. " you tell her.

"oh you know that's not what i mean. " she said

"i have to go. just sign the papers" you said

you don't know to be honest  how you feel.  you are starting to have feelings for Pepa. but do you really or is it just a rebound? did you stop loving Julieta? you don't look at her because you will get lost in those brown eyes.

you go home and try to think it over. maybe you two can get past it. maybe couples therapy. you do love your wife. she was after all your first love. you smile thinking maybe your family can work out.

the next day you head to casita and you see your brother leaving. you ball your fist. maybe it was nothing. you go to the kitchen to catch Julieta.

"here" she said handing you the divorce papers.

"I was thinking... maybe we can do couples therapy. I love you Juli... so much" you said

she looks at you and starts to cry.

"mi amor what's wrong?" you ask

"i.. i slept with Agustin " she admits

in that moment your heart drops.

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