the pastor's son(camilox male reader)

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(trigger warning ⚠️ mention of abuse and conversion camp)

Today is the day. Camilo has been counting down the days for you to return. you just told him you was sent on a trip.

You and him was sneaking around and sneaking kisses behind the church. You are the son of the pastor so you wasn't suppose to show any affection to any boys but you knew you was gay.

Camilo is nervously looking around town. He sees you walking with your dad. he gives you a slight wave but you look away and go into the church. Camilo frowns. he missed you and you didn't even acknowledge him. 

"you looking a bit desperate" Isabela whispers as she passes him

"shut up " he tells his oldest cousin

He huffs and goes to one of the spots you two use to go in the woods. He smiles at where you carved both your initials into a tree in a heart.

"Camilo" he hears behind him

he turns and smiles at you

"amor" he says happy

he goes to hug you but you out your hand out to stop him

"Camilo... we uh can't do this anymore. " you tell the shorter boy

"what? this has to be a joke. " Camilo is in disbelief that you'd try to end things

"it's not... i was sent to a place that told me it was wrong to like boys. My dad saw us kissing and sent me away to be cured. " you explain

Camilo notice something on your wrist and grab your arms. you hiss in pain and try to move. he rolls up your sleeve and notice the cigarette burn marks and rope burns.

"what happen?" he ask with tears in his eyes

you pull your sleeves down and turn away.

"leave me alone Camilo. They had to do it. i was bad. " you tear up.

Camilo hugs you and you can't help but hug him and bury your face in his neck leaning down. you cry and he just holds you.

"let's go get you healed. " Camilo tells you

you let him hold your hand and take you to casita.

"Tia can you bring some arepas to my room please" he ask Julieta who nods.

he takes you to his room. you two lay down and you can't help but curl into his side. you don't want to upset your father but you are madly deeply in love With the shapeshifter.

"i'm sorry mi camaleón. I shouldn't have been so mean" you sniffle

"she's it's okay amor. i love you " Camilo reassured you

"i love you too"

Julieta comes in and you show her your bruises and burns which happened to be not only on your arms but back and chest. her heart broke and she asked if she can take pictures just in case someone tries to say nothing happened. you agree and she gave you the arepa and you ate it.

"you can stay here if you need to" Julieta tells you.

she leaves the room and you cuddle with your short boyfriend who acts like big spoon. you two hear thunder and figure Julieta told Pepa.

Pepa comes in the room.

"(y/n) amor you are going to be staying here. i'm going to your house to get you some stuff. " she tells you

before you can say anything she leaves.

"don't worry you are safe here. " Camilo tells you holding you.

"promise?" you ask and look into his brown eyes

"promise on my life. "

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