strong (luisa x G!N reader)

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tigger warning mention of death

"uh Luisa i think you need a break " Isabela tells her younger sister who's been working nonstop

"I'm fine. I have a lot to do" Luisa tries to ignore her worried sister

"Luisa my house is tilted" someone tells her

she hip bumps the building straightening it. Isabela frowns and pulls Luisa with vines so she can face her.

"Isa Im busy!" Luisa shouts.

"no you aren't! you're trying to distract yourself. you don't want to face the truth of what happened." Isabela grabs her sister's hand.

"the truth? the truth is i wasn't there to save (y/n). the love of my life died!" Luisa shouts

she pauses. she told her self if she didn't say the dead word it won't be true and you'd come to casita with your infectious smile and beg her to have a day with you. You'd hold her hand and remind her how beautiful she is and make sure she takes breaks.

"it's not your fault Luisa" Isabela tries to explain

"but it is! If my gift didn't act up I could have saved them. They wouldn't have been crushed for pushing me out the way. I wasn't strong enough" Luisa cries

You and Luisa went on a walk since she was upset. her gift wasn't working and you know she didn't like feeling weak at all.

"Amor you know i love you no matter what right?" you tell your taller girlfriend.

"yeah but i don't like feeling useless. " she tells you

"well you aren't useless. you make me smile everyday when i see your beautiful face. "you smile at her

she smiles looking at you. she sees your eyes widen and you quickly push your girlfriend. she groans as she hits the ground and hear people yell. she looks and sees a heavy store awning on top of you.

"(y/n)!" she shouts.

she tries to lift it off you but just can't

"amor." you say weak with blood on the side of your mouth

"shh it's okay. you are going to be okay. " Luisa says and pushes your hair from your face

"looks like it was my turn to be your knight in shining armor. I love you Lulu don't forget that. don't be sad. " you tell her

Luisa cries

"no don't talk like that you will be okay" Luisa begs

"tell me you love me please. " you say weak wanting that to be the last thing you hear

"I love you " Luisa cries

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