Isabela x f!reader

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"Señorita Perfecta Isabela" you mumble to yourself.

It's not that you hate Isabela.. you just can't stand the front she puts up. you know very well she isn't who she pretends to be. she being Alma's mini me and you know the real her. you two use to be an item but Alma caught you kissing and Isabela in a panic blamed you so since that day you two haven't been seeing each other. mostly Alma forbidding the gay girl for trying to corrupt her "perfect grand daughter ".

"hey (y/n) .. Just the girl i was looking for " you hear and turn and see Camilo

you smile at him. he's always been like a little brother to you... well more because he's secretly dating your own little brother Miguel.

"hey Milo. what's up?" you say and he sits next to you on the bench.

"I have a secret message for you. " he says and holds out a paper

you go to grab it and he moves it fast

"not so fast. where's your brother?" he ask

you roll your eyes knowing nothing comes without a price.

"he's home. he's sick" you tell him

his eyes widen and he quickly gives you the note and runs to take care of his boyfriend. you chuckle and open the paper. your eyes widen knowing the hand writing so well.

meet me in our spot

at the bottom is a drawing of a cactus which you said is your favorite. You don't know if this is a joke Camilo is doing or what. you sigh and decided to check it out. the most that would happen is Camilo telling you he got you.

You go to the wooded area behind Casita where you and Isabela use to sneak to for quality time. You don't see anyone and sigh

"of course. haha thanks Milo" you say and get ready to leave

"you came.." you hear a voice and turn fast

there is Isabela standing there looking at you.

"so you did send the note... what do you want Isabela? I thought you wasn't suppose to talk with the gay girl " you ask crossing your arms

she sighs and walks so she's in front of you. 

"I'm sorry for that day... i shouldn't have said you kissed me and let my abuela yell at you" she said

You look down not wanting to see those brown eyes you fell for

"yeah well it happened... look I actually loved you and you did that. " you say

your eyes widen because you both never said i love you yet. though you was together for 8 months.

"you love me?" Isabela asked

"i'm sorry I shouldn't have-" you start but you are cut off

Isabela crashes her lips on yours. you are shock but can't help but kiss back. God you missed her soft lips that always tasted like her cherry chapstick.

"i love you... Im not afraid to say it. I'll even tell my abuela. " Isabela tells you

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