hes my boy pt 2

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Camilo runs after hearing all that. He always felt as if something about him wasn't right. he always thought it was just his gift making him feel like he didn't know who he was at time but that wasn't it. the truth was he had a different dad. yes Felix would always be the man who raised him but his DNA was different. He knew who you was since you was actually a popular actor, you became an actor after leaving town. that's where he gets his love for acting from. He enters casita wet, mad, sad and just confused.

"Milo you have to change so you don't get sick then come get some hot chocolate" Julieta tells her nephew when she sees him.

Pepa comes when she hears her sister talk to her son. He looks at his mom and breaks down and cries.

"Cami come here. " Pepa's face softens and she goes to hug her son but he steps back

"why Mami? why lie about my papi? I heard you. Do you regret me? is that why i always feel like a mistake!"

"Camilo! you are not a mistake. I love you so so much. that's why i did it because i love you Hijo. " Pepa goes to grab his hand

Camilo pushes his mom's hand and runs to his room locking the door. It starts to pour heavy outside. Julieta hugs her sister as she cries. Felix comes down and goes to his wife.

"what happen? did (y/n) hurt you?" he ask

"no I did this. I hurt my son. " Pepa cries

"our son. " Felix says and goes to hold her

Pepa pushes him

"no mine. he's mine. i shouldn't have needed any man. you both ended up messing me up. " Pepa shouts at him referring to you and him.

She goes to her room and lock the door. Mean while you are in you old home watching the rain fall. you sigh and regret ever coming.  you know you hurt Pepa. do you apologize or just leave?

3 days. it's rained for 3 days. Camilo wouldn't talk to anyone but today he opened the door for Pepa since she's been begging for him to open it for 3 hours this morning. She walks inside and it's finally a light rain outside. Camilo sits on his bed and wraps himself with his blanket and hold his old teddy bear he had since he was a baby. that was a bear you won for Pepa in a fair that she decided to give Camilo as a part of you.

"Camilo Im so sorry. I never meant to ever hurt you. I thought i was protecting you." Pepa said sadly as she sits next to her son.

"mami... you was protecting your marriage with papi... Felix... whatever I call him. Did you love my dad?" he ask

Pepa sigh and Camilo lays his head on her lap. she plays with his hair and look at him.

"yes... I loved him a lot. we grew up together. He was Tio Bruno's best friend. I never knew he liked me. Bruno would always joke he should just look in the future to see when we get married. I wouldn't dare ask him to look because I thought it was a one sided love. then your papi asked me out and we got married. (y/n) stood back and watched. I was hoping he would object to the wedding but he didn't. He left after the kiss. I had your sister and lived with Papi. we started fighting a lot so i went to the one person i knew would comfort me.. we started to have kind of a relationship for 3 months. He wanted to marry me after the first but i said no. by the third month papi asked if we could fix things.. i agreed because I didn't like to see your sister hurt. So i told (y/n) it was over because my family came first. we had our last night together and i got pregnant with you. it was a few months after when i found out. I didn't know what to do and papi knew you wasn't his but wanted to be your papi. I was going to talk to (y/n) because I didn't want you to not know him but I heard him tell tio Bruno he was leaving. he said I didn't matter anymore because i chose Felix and he was just going to let us be. I felt hurt so I didn't tell him. " Pepa explained to her son

"if you didn't hear that.. would you be dating (y/n) or papi?" Camilo ask

Pepa was hoping he wouldn't ask because she knew the answer. she sigh and look at Camilo who's staring at her.

"do you want the truth?" she ask swirling one of his curls

"yes." he said

"I would have been with (y/n).. i think I would have ran away with him and taken Dolores with us. I heard him say I didn't matter so I thought he wanted nothing to do with me. But then you wouldn't have your little brother so something good came out of me staying. "

Camilo sits up and kisses his moms cheek

"mami you did things because you was upset. It's going to be hard to forgive you but I won't ever stop loving you. I want to get to know (y/n).. I'm his blood. He's a actor. I saw some of his shows. Remember you use to turn the show off every time you saw him. now i know why. "

Pepa nods and the sky clears up. she not happy but she's not upset thinking her son hates her. Camilo ask his mom to cuddle so she lays with him and just holds her son. after about an hour the door opens and there you are with Felix.

"what's going on ?" Pepa ask and sits up.

"I don't want Camilo to suffer because of us. I asked (y/n) to come so you can talk with him. I don't want to be in the way. You deserve to be happy Pepa. In all honesty I asked for you back because I didn't want you happy with someone else. I knew our love wasn't right. we have been faking it. we can talk about us later but right now you two need to comfort Camilo. I love forever Milo. you are always my son. " Felix said before he left.

you walk into the room and see the awesome stage Camilo has in his room.

"woah that looks like the first stage I acted on. " you say smiling

"hi." Camilo said

"hi Camilo... I'm (y/n). um I don't know how much your mami explained but I don't want you to think I don't care about you. When I found out about you my heart ached a bit because I missed so much. I don't know if you want to have a relationship with me but so would love to. it's your decision in the end of the day. we can go at whatever pace you want and if you ever want me to leave you alone I will but I won't stop asking people about you if that happens. I love you... it maybe too soon to say that but any child of mine has my love. " you tell him.

"maybe we can talk about your career. I love acting. I'm a whole one man show myself. " Camilo says and turns into you

"well that's a handsome guy you turned into " you joke

he laughs and turns back into himself. Pepa smiles seeing how easy it is for you both to talk.

"you two get talking. I'll be back with some snacks. Someone hasn't eaten well. " Pepa stands and kisses Camilos cheek.

she pats your shoulder and smiles at you. you smile and watch her leave. You got your son at least.

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