2. Trust Me

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Rin gawked in awe.

He had never seen a house so big in his life!

Why one person needed a house so big was beyond him, but the luxury of being able to stay in something like this must have been wonderful. Growing up in the poor side of Southern Cross, Rin didn't have much. Bon could see that in the way that he eyed everything with such big, wandering eyes.

Just like a kid.



"Why don't you come inside now?"

"Oh, right. Sorry."

Rin went inside and immediately felt out of place. Everything from the carpet on the floor to the flat screen TV on the wall looked wayyy expensive. He looked down at the floor, scared that if he breathed to hard, he might break something. Sparry shoes came into view and Rin felt his head bump into something. He looked up and was met with Bon's face, which happened to be very close.

So close that he could feel Bon's breath on his lips.

He backed up and covered his face to hide his blush. Bon raised a brow in curiosity and slight worry. Had this kid been abused or something? He's so jumpy about everything. "You okay, Rin? You're kinda jumpy...a lot." He said. Rin nodded. "I've...never seen stuff like this before and I don't wanna ruin anything." He admitted. Bon rolled his eyes and grabbed Rin by his wrist, practically dragging him up the hall. "Nonsense. If you break anything then I'll just buy a new one." He said. Rin was pulled into a bedroom; probably the biggest bedroom he'd ever seen in his life!

There was a huge flat screen in the room where a Playstation 4 sat on the floor with about 4 navy blue beanbags and controllers around it. On the opposite side of the room facing the large TV was a California King sized bed with navy blue bedding. Pictures of Bon and what seemed to be family and friends were scattered over the off-white walls and a mini fridge was tucked away in a corner near the closet. Oh and that closet! It was a walk-in closet! Like seriously, where does this kid get all of this money from? Oak dressers and wood flooring? This was expensive stuff!

"I don't think I've properly introduced myself. My name is Ryuji Suguro. I'm a student at TCU, too." Bon said as he dug through his dresser from something. Rin perked up, recognizing the name from somewhere.

"Oh! You're that hot quarterback that everyone talks abo--oh my lord, please forget that I said anything."

Rin face palmed. Telling the quarterback that you think he's hot? Way to embarrass yourself.

Bon looked up at him and smiled. "Did you say I was hot?" He asked, setting a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top on the bed and sitting down next to Rin, wiggling his eyebrows. Rin looked in the opposite direction and crossed his arms. "I just said that I heard about you, that's all." He said. Bon shook Rin's arm to try and get him to look at him.

"Do you think that I'm hot?"

Rin stiffened up and looked at Bon, who was waiting patiently for his answer. "Are you screwing with me or what? It's not funny." He said. Bon furrowed his brows and shook his head. "No, I'm being serious! I wanna know if you think I'm hot." He said.


"Cus maybe I think you're hot."

Rin stammered, standing up crossing his arms over his chest again.

"You don't even know me."

"Yet you're standing in my bedroom. Besides, I can get to know you."

"You don't wanna do that, trust me."

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now