32. Ride or Die

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A/N:: For those of you who don't know, I'm Haruhi Yamada and I will be taking over Nel's Wattpad while she's MIA. Don't worry, she'll be back soon! On with the story!






"...wha...? What, what is it baby?"

Bon rubbed his eyes and looked over at the clock.

2:37 AM.

Why was Rin waking him up so early?

"It's almost 3 AM and Ai hasn't made any noise all night. Something's wrong." Rin said in a hushed whisper. Bon sighed and sat up in their bed. "Honey, maybe she's just sleeping soundly tonight. Like we should be doing." He said, attempting to ease Rin's worries. Rin glared at him, smacking him with the pillow.

"Ow! Okay, how do you know something is wrong?"

"Because a mother knows these things, now get up and let's go check on her."

Bon groaned to himself, sliding out of bed and waiting for Rin to take his hand. Nothing was wrong with babies sleeping all the way through the night, right? That's supposed to be good, right? He wasn't all sure of what Rin was so worried about.

Until they got to Ai's room and she wasn't in there.

Rin felt the breath leave his body and his heart shatter when he looked over and saw that the window was open and his baby girl was missing. His knees buckled underneath him and Bon caught him in his arms, the look of horror never leaving his face.


"I'm calling the police, just hold on baby."


"We areeee wild!
We are like young volcanoes!
We areeee wild!
Americana exotica!
Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby? Yeah!"

Yukio blindly reached for his phone, opening it without answering. This had better be damned good for him to be up before his alarm went off.


"Yukio, someone took Ai!"


He shot up from the bed, waking Shima in the process. "What, what, what is it?!" Shima yelled as he fell from the bed. Yukio got up, pulling his pants on and reaching in his dresser for a shirt as Rin continued.

"W-we went t-to check c-cus she didn't m-make any noise a-and--"

Rin was sobbing so hard that it got hard for Yukio to understand him.

"I'm coming Rin, okay? I'm coming, gimme five minutes." He said and hung up the phone. Shima didn't know what was going on, but if it was this early then it had to be serious. "It's a fifteen minute drive to Bon's." He said. Yukio grabbed his glasses and headed downstairs to the door.

"No its not; you're not driving."


Bon wanted to roll over and die. Someone had come into their home and taken their baby and he didn't even notice. He was powerless...he could do nothing to help her...and he couldn't even imagine how Rin felt. He'd been through enough shit already! Why couldn't everyone just let them run off into the sunset and be happy?

"Mr. Suguro? Mr. Okumura? Can we ask you a few questions?"

Bon nodded for the officer to sit down, trying his best to comfort Rin while keeping his own composure. "Do you know anyone who may have wanted to take Aimi specifically? Anyone who just hated you or would want to take her away from you?" He asked. Bon sighed and shrugged a little. "To tell you the truth, it could be anyone. People hated the fact that Rin was able to carry a child. If I had to boil it down, it would Reiji Shiratori and Mila Yoshikuni." He said. The officer scribbled it down in his report and looked back up at the couple.

"Are you married?"


"And you're the biological father?"


"Alright so why would these two want to take your kid?"

Bon paused, an unintentional glare stabbing the officer through the heart. "Shiratori is an old teammate of mine who forced himself on Rin at one point. He thinks that Ai is his kid. Mila...well she's just an evil bitch who hates Rin." He answered. The officer raised both brows and jotted something else down on the paper.

"I can see why they're suspect. My advice is to get an alarm system put in and make sure all doors and windows are locked from now on. We'll find Aimi, I can promise you that. For precautionary reasons, we want you to lay low. They could be coming to do more damage."

Rin flinched and choked out a sob as the officer left.

"What if...what if she's h-hurt? W-what if he h-hurt her?"

"Shhhhh. She's not hurt, okay baby? She's gonna be fine and we're gonna be fine. I need you to believe that. Okay?"

Rin nodded and hugged Bon around the torso, letting him stroke his hair to calm him.

"Rin?! Suguro?!"

Yukio came pushing through the cops and as soon as Rin set his eyes on his brother, he tackled him into a hug. Shima rubbed his shoulder to comfort him, spotting Bon on the couch and making his way towards him. "Yo, what's happening? Why are the feds here?" He asked.

"Someone took Ai."

"Fuck me, are you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm kidding, Shima?"

Shima sat down and grabbed Bon's shoulder. "What did the cops say?" He asked. "They're looking for Shiratori and Mila. They're prime suspects." He answered.

"Do you believe it was one of them?"

"I'm 100% sure."

"I know what you wanna do. I've got your back 5,000% bro."

Bon looked over at Shima and the sincerity in his eyes made his heart swell. Shima knew exactly what was happening in Bon's head.

He wanted to go after Shiratori.

Or could it be Mila?

Either way, the fact that Shima had his back and was ready to go to war with him proved that their friendship was really ride or die. If they were gonna do this, it was best that Rin and Yukio didn't know.

He was gonna do what it took to find his daughter and destroy Mila and Shiratori--regardless of who did it. They'd never bother his family again.

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now