8. Delivery Boy

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It had been weeks since Angel was put in jail and Yukio was on a slow road to recovery--both physically and mentally. He had to admit, Shima had been doing a great job at taking care of him. Shima had insisted that Yukio stay with him until he made a full recover and although he objected, he still ended up in some rich neighborhood, lying in Shima's bed. He was glad that he could finally attempt to be happy with someone that he actually wanted.

"You need anything, gorgeous?"

"No, I'm fine. However, could you please not call me that? It's annoying."

"Everything is annoying to you, Yukio." Shima retorted. Yukio narrowed his eyes at Shima and Shima mirrored him.

"Touchè, mother fucker."

Shima sighed and shook his head, laughing at Yukio. "You're so over dramatic." He said, flopping down on the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around Yukio and Yukio allowed himself to get comfortable within his arms, watching the terrible horror movie that was playing on the TV. What was it called? Cloverfield?

"So how long are you gonna keep me hostage?" Yukio asked. Shima chuckled and rubbed his arms in slow, soothing circles. "As long as you'll let me. I like having you here; it's much more comfortable than that crappy dorm room." He answered.

"Sorry, but all of us didn't grow up rich. Asshole."

Ah, dammit, now he's mad.

"I didn't mean it like that, babe. I just...I mean....I want you to be comfortable with the way you live. I don't want you to struggle to pay tuition and do all of this just to make it through the day."

"I was being taken care of just fine."

"By who? That abusive ex-fiance of yours? I mean sure he might have paid tuition but was he really taking care of you?"

Yukio winced as he sat up, still feeling soreness in his ribs. "What the hell do you know, Renzou?" He asked, way past irritated with the pink-haired man. "I'm just saying...that maybe I should have a chance to really take care of you. Can I do that?" He asked. Yukio's expression softened and he laid back down, staring at the ceiling. "How?" He asked. Shima smiled.

"Well you can start by moving in with me."

Yukio sat back up to protest when Shima cut him off.

"Just hear me out, okay? Rin's never home in the dorms because he practically lives with Bon now and you know that you're gonna spend most of your time here. What sense does it make to keep paying for a dorm?"

"Plenty if you're a student."

"Yukio, stop being so damned stubborn and let me spoil you, dammit!"

Yukio was taken back by this, and even more taken back when Shima grabbed his face and kissed him. He couldn't help but kiss him back.


"You'll never hit me...right?"

"Of course not, baby. Never in all of eternity."

Bon kissed Rin's forehead as he opened the front door for him, leading him into the house. They had just come from a football game (which Shiratori wasn't attending...ya know, cus he's in jail) and the quarterback was fairly exhausted. He did bring home the win for the Blue Devils after all. "I'm starving." Bon mentioned out loud. Rin smiled at him and headed for the kitchen. "I'll cook something for you." He said. Bon grabbed his arm and twisted him around to face him. "Nah. Let's just order takeout and watch Netflix or something." He said. Rin shook his head at him. "You know that take out is bad for you; I don't see why you eat so much of it." He said. Bon grinned and grabbed his phone from his pocket.

"Because I can. Go ahead and get a shower, babe. It shouldn't take long for it to get here."

"Yeah, okay Smelly. You make sure you take one too."

Rin heard Bon say something along the lines of "I don't smell but whatever" as he made his way down the hall and into the master bedroom. He rummaged through Bon's dresser, taking a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from his clothes.


Rin walked back down the hall, ready to eat. He was wearing Bon's oversized black sweater, opting no to wear the shorts because the shirt itaelf was big enough to cover everything. He made it to the living room, pausing when he saw that Bon wasn't there. He had only been in the shower for ten minutes and Bon's keys and wallet was still sitting on the counter. He didn't hear the other shower running.....

Where the hell did he go?

A knock at the door broke Rin's train of thought as he approached the door.

"Who is it?"

"China Palace Delivery."

Rin opened the door and the dark haired young man standing in front of him looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Rin took the bags from his hands and he couldn't help but sit there like an idiot. He noticed Rin's lips move, but he didn't quite hear what he said.

"Excuse me? Mr......?"

"K-Kuro! My name is Kuro..."

"Right. How much, Kuro?"

"Um...actually it's on me..."

Rin raised his brows in surprise. "Are...you sure?" He asked. Kuro looked over Rin once more, admiring how his tiny frame looked in the oversized sweater he was wearing. His pale, flawless skin and those sexy legs....

"Y-Yeah, I'm sure."

And with that Kuro turned to leave before he further embarrassed himself in front of the beautiful stranger. Rin hummed in question, closing the door and turning to go to the kitchen when he nearly ran into Bon, screaming from the startling scare that he gave him.

"Jesus, Bon! Don't do that!"

"Hahaha. Sorry, babe. I couldn't help but notice how cute it was watching him struggle to talk to you."

Rin raised a brow. "How is that cute? That kid might be mentally challenged or something." He said. Bon laughed at how oblivious Rin was being. "The kid isn't a retard, Rin, he just thought you were hot." He pointed out. Rin waved him off and went into the living room with his food, sitting down on the sofa and waiting for Bon.

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