21. Blackmail

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Bon lightly drummed his fingers across Rin's swollen tummy, humming an unfamiliar tune as he and Rin sat underneath a tree in the courtyard of campus. Rin was reading some book about Psychology and Bon was supposed to be helping him study, but the quarterback was entirely too infatuated with Rin's pregnant belly to bother. He had to admit, Rin was was doing a pretty good job at dealing with his pregnancy at school. People would ask and he'd answer comfortably. For a while, Bon thought he would avoid going to class but it was the exact opposite.

The only downside was that he had to buy bigger clothes.

"Bon, I'm getting fat."

"You're not fat, baby, you're pregnant. I still think you're beautiful."

"You're my boyfriend, you have to say stuff like that." Rin argued. Bon ignored him, leaning down to kiss his belly. "You're gonna be such a pretty little girl. Daddy's gonna spoil you and mommy rotten, okay Princess?" He whispered. Rin raised a brow and put his book down. "You really want a girl? I thought you of all people would want a little boy so that the two of you could go and play football all of the time." He said. Bon shrugged.

"That's all great but I've got teammates that I could play football with. And then there's you--"

"Oh no, no, no. Slow your role, Papa Bear. I don't do football. I'm more of a soccer person."

"Seriously? Figures." Bon said with a grunt. Rin unceremoniously flipped him off and went back to reading when Bon's phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He fished it out and a text from and unknown number flashed on his screen.

Having fun with your little girlfriend?

Who the hell is this?

Guess who!

A picture message came to his phone and he opened it, only to slam his phone into the grass when a photo of a half-naked Mila Yoshikuni popped up on the screen. Rin looked over at his boyfriend with a raised eye. "You okay, babe?" He asked. Bon gave him a "Yeah, mhm" and stood up. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go grab a soda. You want anything while I'm up, sweetie?" He offered.


"Right, of course. Be right back."

He quickly shot a text back to Mila.

Leave me the hell alone! I will call the police!

So will I. I'll tell them that you raped me that night unless you do what I say. Then I'll tell your little weirdo that you were a rapist.

She...she wouldn't do something so evil, would she?

Bon hesitated, weighing his options before texting back.

YOU raped ME.

That's not what they'll think.

...what do you want?

I'm out near the old abandoned science lab near the old part of the school. I want sex. You got five minutes.

I have a family to consider, you can't do this!! I don't want to sleep with you! I have a kid on the way! Can you please just stop?

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now