3. Misery

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Rin dragged his feet down the halls of TCU, headed towards his criminal psychology class. It was Monday again and oh the places he'd rather be.

Like at Bon's house.

He hadn't seen him since he slipped out of his arms Saturday morning and went home to Yukio. Yukio of course nearly had a heart attack and apologized to his brother after scolding him like their mother used to. They really missed their parents.

They should go visit soon.

Anyways, as much as he hated to admit that he missed Bon, he would rather not see him again. He had embarrassed himself so much for a first impression that he didn't know what he would say when he saw the quarterback again. "Sorry I left without saying anything but even though we didn't have sex, I'm not ready for this"? Jesus, he sounded like a girl. Rin Okumura was not a complicator.



He turned to see his blonde best friend, Shiemi, running down the hall towards him, waving frantically. He smiled as she lost her footing and tumbled forward, only for him to catch her before she hit the ground. "You're such a klutz, Shiemi." He laughed. She smiled at him and brushed herself off. "Yeah, I know. Yuki told me that you went missing Friday night. Where were you? We worried about you." She said. He stiffened, chewing on his bottom lip in contemplation.

Should he tell her? Maybe she wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

"He was with me."

Holy shit.

Rin nearly had a panic attack when he heard the deep, gruff voice of Bon behind him. Shiemi looked at him in confusion and then looked back at Rin with furrowed brows. "You were with Suguro? Why?" She asked. Rin stammered, lost for words as Bon wrapped an arm around Rin's shoulder. "We're good friends. Right, Rin?" He said, winking at the ravenette where Shiemi could see. Rin gave a nervous laugh and scratched his head. "I-I-I...um...yeah. Shiemi this is...u-uh...Ryuji. I kinda stayed the night at his house." He explained. Shiemi gave a questioning stare at the two, taking note of the thick blush coating Rin's cheeks.

"Are you two having sex?"

"DEAR GOD, NO!" Rin screamed louder than intended. He got a few strange looks from other students in the hallway before forcing himself to turn the volume of his voice down. "Look, I have to get to class. I'll text you, okay Shiemi?" He said. Shiemi nodded, smiling and waving goodbye as she headed to her pre-med class that she took with Yukio.

"I'm walking you to class. I need to talk to you."

Rin nodded and began walking, Bon's arm never leaving his shoulder. "So what was up with that? You just get up and leave? No goodbye, not even a phone number?" Bon asked. Rin swallowed the lump in his throat before answering.

"I didn't know that you cared."

Bon smirked. "Oh, you're not shy anymore, huh? Well, I do care actually. So how about you give me your number and I call it even." He suggested. Rin held out his hand and Bon gave him his cell phone, watching as Rin saved his number inside of it. "There. Are you happy now?" He asked. Bon smiled but shook his head.

"Nah. I'll be happy when you come to my practice tonight. How about it? We can go hang out afterwards."

"If I say no?"

"I'll just pester you until you say yes. Is it that hard to believe that I really like you?"

"Nearly impossible I'd say. I've heard about how much of a whore you are."

Bon stopped in his tracks and pulled Rin around the corner. His face had gone from happy and giddy to hard and slightly angry. "Why would you say that?" He asked. Rin suddenly felt cornered. Maybe he shouldn't have said that. "These girls brag about getting into your pants. It's like winning a trophy or something. I mean...I really want to like you but I'm not going to compete with people." He said. Bon was silent, staring into Rin's eyes. His face softened and he loosened his grip on Rin.

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