27. Always Be My Baby

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"How's my baby?"

"I'm okay baby, but my feet are killing me."

"Oh not you, I meant little Ai." Bon said, smirking when Rin glared at him. "I'm just teasing, baby. Are you done with your classes today, baby?" He asked. Rin nodded and Bon ruffled his hair. "Then let's get home so I can rub those sore feet of yours." He said. He had noticed that Rin's hair was getting a bit longer.

It was kind of hot...

Maybe he shouldn't get a haircut just yet.

"Booooon, carry me. My feet hurt and my back hurts really bad."

"Ah jeez, you're such a big fucking crybaby. C'mere, Daddy will carry you."

"Yay! I love you baby."

"I love you, too sweetness."

Eyes landed on them as Bon picked Rin up and carried him across campus. It wasn't the first time that they had gotten looks. People would admire them...diss them.

Sometimes it disgusted people.

Did they care? Hell no.

"Can we go somewhere today?" Rin asked. Bon raised a brow, looking down at Rin as they approached the car. "Like where, Rin?" He asked. Rin shrugged. "The park, maybe? Please?" He asked. Bon smiled and kissed his cheek. "Sure." He said, closing the door and heading to the driver's side.


Yukio watched as Shima floated around the pool in the backyard, eyes closed and arms behind his head as he relaxed beneath the rays of the sun. "Perfect target." Yukio whispered to himself, smirking and creeping around the pool silently. A devious smirk spread across his face and he jumped.



Shima's float flipped over as Yukio landed on top of it, sending him flying into the water. Yukio surfaced again, bellowing with laughter as Shima came back up from the water.

"Dammit Yukio! My hair got wet!"


"I just dyed my hair again! Aw, jeez!"

Shima pulled himself out of the pool and Yukio followed, going back into the house and trailing water all over the floor. "Don't be like that, Renzou. I was just having a little fun." He said. Shima rounded the corner and Yukio followed, but he didn't see Shima anymore once he did.

"What the...?"

The bathroom door opened and Yukio was pulled inside, slammed against the door as his lips were assaulted. The room was dark and he couldn't see anything at all.



Yukio was flipped around and his face was pressed against the wall. He had to admit that he was a bit scared. Cold, wet hands trailed into his swim trunks and fondled his cheeks and something hard pressed against his backside.




"I said shut your face, didn't I? You want to be punished more than you're already about to be?" Shima's voice was deep and a bit more than frightening at the moment. Yukio regretted splashing him in the pool now.

His shorts were snatched off and Shima grabbed the back of Yukio's head, twisting his hand through his hair and forcing him to turn his head in order to kiss him. One of the hands roughly smacked his cheeks and Yukio gasped as a wet finger slipped into him. "Sit still, Yukio." Shima ordered, adding more fingers as Yukio loosened up more. Yukio let out a whine and Shima paused. "What are you whining about?" He asked. Yukio felt his face heat up with embarrassment. "You're gonna go in dry, aren't you? Please don't, it really hurts afterwards." He begged.

"Be quiet. I'm not about to put it in at all, okay? I just wanna get you hot."

"You're not?"

"Nope. But you are gonna get down on those pretty knees and suck me until I cum on your face."

A hand was place on Yukio's shoulder and he was spun around and pushed down to his knees. He couldn't see anything at all, but he could feel the head of Shima's cock prodding against his lips.

"Say 'Ah', Yuki."


Shima grabbed Yukio's hair and pushed his length into the hot mouth, making shallow thrusts into the cavern. Yukio bobbed his head at a steady pace, humming around the length as it pushed deeper. Although the corners of his mouth were starting to hurt, sucking Shima off in the dark had a strange satisfactory to it.

"I wanna see that face."

The light flicked on and Yukio looked up, watching pink lines drip down the pinkette's bare chest. He was guessing that was the dye he had just put in his hair earlier that day. The look on his face was one of pure ecstasy.

One that Yukio loved to see.

One that he was giving him.

Suddenly, Yukio's head was pushed all the way down and Shima's thrusts sped up. Yukio's eyes started to water and his skin flushed as he made eye contact with his lover.

"Oh my fucking---baby that mouth is so good. And that face is so sexy. Keep looking at me baby. Yeah, just like that. Jeez, that's hot."

Yukio swallowed around the cock in his mouth and Shima pushed all the way inside, the head scraping against the back of Yukio's throat as he released with a load moan. He held Yukio's head in place, making sure he swallowed all of his seed. Shima convulsed in pleasure, riding out his orgasm and pulling out. Yukio took a moment to catch his breath as he was hoisted up and set on the sink.

"You're not in trouble anymore. Well, after you re-dye my hair you won't be."


"It's so pretty out here today."

"You're pretty today, too. You're hair is so long and soft."

"Hush, Ryu. Jeez, you're really starting to make me feel like a girl. You want some sex or something?"

"Hahaha! No, I just like complimenting you. Remember, I used to do it all the time before we even started dating. I wanna be like that again." Bon said, kissing Rin's ear. Rin giggled and leaned into Bon. "Except with a pretty little baby, right?" He asked. Bon nodded. "Yup. A pretty little girl." He said. "How can you still be sure it's a girl?" Rin asked. Bon grinned. "Because I just know, baby." He answered.


"It came to me in a dream."

"That has no credibility whatsoever."

"Have I ever steered you wrong? Wait, don't answer that."

Rin laughed and Bon hugged him tighter. He had never been happier than he was when he was with Rin.

"Well wouldja look at that? You really are ready to pop."

Rin's eyes shot open at the sound of the familiar voice and he grinned.

"Shura! You're here!"

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