18. Be With You

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Rin ran as fast as he possibly could in the opposite direction of the hospital. He just couldn't keep staying there. He wanted to go home.

He wanted to be with Bon.

He had stopped at a gas station to use the payphone. The only dilemma was that he didn't know who to call.

"Shima. I'll call Shima."

Shima was least likely to freak out when Rin called him. It was his safest bet, so he put his change in the machine and dialed his number.


Shima's phone went off as he and Yukio searched the woods nearby for Rin.

By the way!
What he say?
He can tell I ain't missing no meals.
Come through and fuck him in my automobile
Let him eat it with his grills and he tellin' me to chill
And he telling me it's real, that he love my sex appeal--

He quickly silenced his phone by answering it, making a mental note to change it. Yukio laughed at him.

"Change your ringtone, Renzou."

"Will do, babe. Hello?"

He waited for a moment as he heard shuffling over the phone.

"Shima, don't freak out. It's Rin. I need you to pick me up."

Shima kept a calm expression, facing away from Yukio.

"Where are you? We can talk detail when I get you."

"At a Texaco near Devil County highway. Hurry up, okay?"

The line went dead and he pocketed his phone once more. He looked to Yukio and coughed, grabbing his attention. "That was my mom. She needs me to pick her up." He lied. Yukio shrugged. "Okay. Let's go then. Unless...you're hiding something." He said. Shima stiffened, realizing that Yukio knew something was up. He's entirely too clever to pull one over on.


"Who was it really, Renzou? Is it that woman Paku?"

"Jesus, no! It was...it was Rin, okay?"

He waited for Yukio to flip out, but was even more shocked when the twin let out a chuckle and smiled. "Well then, let's go to him." He said. He made it to the car before Shima did, leaving a stunned boyfriend behind.

"Maybe the weed is good for him."


Bon was sore. His ribs hurt and his head was swimming like crazy. He remembered freaking out.

She raped him.

"Like anyone would ever believe that..."

He stood up, hunched over and tired.

"I need a fucking shower. That filthy disgusting bitch fucked me without a condom..."

The words sounded even worse coming out of his own mouth. It made him want to puke until he passed out. Even though it wasn't his fault, he had cheated on Rin. He felt like he could just die.


Rin nearly tripped and fell as he ran when he saw Yukio get out of the car. He squeezed his twin in a bear hug and Yukio squeezed back just as hard.

"I'm so glad that you're okay. Both of you."

Rin pulled away, staring at the ground.

"Yeah...both of us..."

His hands rubbed his stomach and he felt like he could cry. It could have been the 3 of them if this hadn't happened. Yukio seemed to notice the sad aura about him and furrowed his brows. "Is something wrong, Rin?" He said. Rin looked up, tears stinging in his eyes.

"I lost one of the babies..."

"One...of them...? There was more than one?"

Rin nodded and Yukio felt himself shaking a bit in a mix of anger and sadness. His high was slowly wearing off and he was starting to get upset. "What happened...? What did he do to you?" He asked. Rin bowed his head as his tears fell, sobbing lightly when the memories flashed through his mind.

"He raped me and threw me in the back of his car! Then he left me to bleed out while I was having a miscarriage!"

Yukio twitched, almost like a switch flipped in his head and Shima was quick to catch it. "Yukio, no. Okay? He's here. He's alive. Let's just get home." He said. Yukio stopped shaking and turned to get in to car without objection.

"Christ, I need a fucking joint."

"W-What? Shima what is he talking about?"

"Don't worry, Rin. Let's just go home and get you to Bon. Where were you this whole time anyways." Shima said, trying to avoid the topic of Yukio becoming a pothead. "I was found in the back of Shiratori's car by the China Palace delivery boy. Then I was taken to a hospital which I just escaped from." Rin explained.


"Long story. We should go before the cops show up."


Shiro couldn't breathe.

"My dear, amazing Shiro....
We've tried our hardest and we've raised amazing boys. However, it seems like a few of the decisions that we've made in the past as affected them gravely. Even though we tried, we couldn't fix it. It was already too late.

And it was our fault.

I love you, Yukio, Rin, and our little grandchild. I just can't bear to know that every trial that our children go through will be because of us. Sorry to leave you hanging.

No pun intended.

Love, your darling wife."

He'd walked into the house and saw her hanging from the staircase balcony. He couldn't believe that she had the nerve to make a joke inside of a suicide letter. Then of all people in the world, she had blamed herself. It wasn't her fault that Yukio was insane and bipolar or that Rin was pregnant. It wasn't her fault that her ex-husband walked out on her or that her father was a sick fuck. He tried to tell her...

Maybe it just wasn't enough.

"Oh, Yuri...my sweet Yuri..."

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