43. Wanted

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911 had Shima on hold.

The fucking police had him on hold while he sat there watching his best friend bleed to death and to top it all off he had a fucking baby in his hands! Shima was gonna lose his mind, Rin would become a single parent, and Ai would grow up without her father. He felt responsible for this--all of it.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Fucking Christ, I said my best friend was shot! He's dying send someone here now, you stupid cunt!"

Shima didn't mean it. He didn't mean the insults and the cursed spewing from his mouth but he was panicking and he was scared and he just wanted Bon to live and for this to finally all be over.

"We'll be right on our way sir, just tell your friend to hold on."

Shima hung up the phone to avoid calling the woman out of her name more than he had already. She seemed to take the insults fairly well, most likely understanding the situation that Shima was in right then.

He kneeled down, grabbing onto Bon's shaking hands and looking into his half-lidded eyes as they began to cloud slightly.

"Fuck, don't do this to me man. Not now. We still haven't gotten the chance to go to the Playboy mansion like we said we would. Remember?"

Bon cracked a little smile from the floor and Shima felt tears stinging from his eyes. Here he was dying and all he could do was smile. This man is a fucking soldier.

At that moment, the sound of a crying child echoed in the room. He looked at Ai in his hands.

She was sleeping soundly now.

Shima stood, still carrying Ai in his arms.

"Stay strong, Bon. I'm gonna be right back, okay?"

Bon didn't respond and Shima didn't wait for a response. He made his way up down the hall and the crying became louder. He looked in each room.


Nothing at all until he came to the living room where they had entered...when the crying was the loudest. Where could it have been coming from? A child couldn't have simply wandered in here.

Shima studied the room for a moment and spotted a closet in the room. Could they really have put a baby in a closet and kept it there? That's sick and infuriating!

Shima closed the gap between him and the closet, swinging it open without a moment's hesitation. Sure enough, a baby was in the bottom on the closet wrapped in a blanket and probably freezing.

"Hey buddy...shhhh...I've got you now." Shima whispered, picking the baby up with his free arm and attempting to comfort him. He couldn't help but notice how much the boy resembled Ai. They even had the same little birthmark on their cheeks. If Shima didn't know any better he'd think that they were...twins...

"...No fucking way..."

Realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

He quickly ran back to the room where the old guy with the eye patch was and sat the baby boy down in the crib. He proceeded to pay down his pockets and (among other things) he found a police badge.

Detective Igor Neuhaus
Devil County Police Department

Just as he thought. This was one of the guys that was with Rin after being left to bleed to death on the highway. They said that Rin had lost the other baby. Did they really not know that Neuhaus took him? Did Rin not notice that the child had been cut from him?

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now