22. Broken Promises

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"What's going on with Suguro, Rin? He's been looking pretty rough lately." Shiemi pointed out, eyeing the quarterback as he warily ran up the field. Rin sighed. "I don't know. He comes home like that all the time now and he's been really...dead. I try not to bother him with doctor's appointments and stuff but it seems like it just stresses him more." He answered.

The ball was thrown in Bon's direction and he fumbled, dropping the ball on the ground.

Lucky for him that it was just practice.

"Dammit, Suguro, you're killing me! What's the matter with you? Are you on crack or something? Get your ass in gear!" The coach yelled. Bon, skin paled and bags under his eyes, nodded in the coaches direction, nearly falling over. Amaimon caught him before he fell, giving him a shoulder to rest on. "You're being annoying. Go home and rest if you're sick." He said to the quarterback. Bon didn't answer, his head falling back and his body going limp.


Rin hurried down from the bleachers as fast as he could, Shiemi following behind him. Amaimon took Bon's helmet off, making way for Juzo, Kinzo, and Shima to come through. The rest of the team crowded around them, forcing Rin to push his way through the large men in order to get to Bon.

"He's running a fever and his heart is racing like crazy, we have to get him some help." Juzo said. Rin kneeled down on the ground and pushed Bon's hair from his face. "Ryuji? Baby, can you hear me?" He called to him. He laced his fingers in Bon's, feeling the older man squeeze them so lightly that he'd think he imagined it if he didn't know any better. He sighed in slight relief, feeling a bit better knowing that he was being responsive. "I called an ambulance, they're on their way." Kinzo said, pushing people back so that Bon could have room to breath.


"Mr. Suguro will be just fine. He's suffering from extreme exhaustion and his stress levels are very high, so the best thing for him to do is take it easy for a while." The doctor explained. Rin couldn't help but feel like it was his fault. Bon would always come home and rub Rin's feet or cook dinner or run to the store at all times of the night just to satisfy Rin's cravings.

Rin never really asked Bon to do those things, but because he was carrying his child he supposed that Bon felt obligated to all of those things. He didn't know that it was taking such a toll on his health.

Not to mention that he had class, football practice, and often had to run errands for his parents...or at least that's what he told Rin. He would leave late sometimes and come home even later. Sometimes he would miss practice just to go and help. Rin offered to help but as usual, Bon didn't want him to lift a finger. It didn't help that Rin had never even met Bon's parents. The stress must have been heavy on him.

"I'm so sorry, baby. So sorry..."

"Rin, you didn't do anything." Shiemi reassured him. Rin shook his head. "It's because of the baby that he's so stressed. He's been doing so much and it's probably been driving him crazy." He said. The doctor chuckled a little bit. "Actually if you two try not to have as much sex, you'll be fine." He said. Rin furrowed his brows in confusion. "Sex? We haven't had sex since I've been pregnant." He pointed out. The doctor mimicked Rin's expression, looking over his clipboard again.

"His condition is caused by an overabundance of sexual activity which causes fatigue and weakness. Are you sure?"

"I'm positive..."

The doctor scratched his head and pocketed his pen. "I'm going to go and check test results again..." He said. He turned and left, leaving Rin and Shiemi alone in the waiting room. They were supposed to be waiting for Shima and Yukio, but Rin felt uneasy after hearing what the doctor had said and he really wanted to leave.

"You don't think that...."

"I don't think that he would do that, Rin."

Rin ran his hands through his hair, frustrated with his own thoughts. He looked over to the plastic bag next to him that held Bon's positions in them. His clothes. His shoes.

His cell phone.

"Rin, don't tell me that you're actually--"

"I need to know." He said. He took Bon's cell phone out of his bag and powered it on, waiting for it to power up completely before he slid the unlock screen.

No password...

He immediately goes into his contacts, finding a number labeled as "Ma" with a bunch of heart emojis next to it. "Here goes nothing..." He said, hitting the call button and waiting for someone to pick up on the other end.


"Um...hi. Is this Mrs. Suguro?"

"It is. Who am I speaking with? Why are you calling from my Bon's phone? Did something happen? He's he okay?"

"This is Rin Okumura...I'm--"

"Ryu's boyfriend! The one with the baby on the way? He told me about your condition and I think that it's absolutely adorable that you two are going to do this together!"

Rin laughed nervously, realizing that Bon must have talked about him alot to his parents.

"That's right. And thank you. I wouldn't have expected to end up this way but things happen I suppose. But I do have a question for you, Mrs. Suguro."

"What's that?"

"Has Ryuji been helping you with a lot of errands lately?"

"Oh no, I live in Osaka now. He would have to jump a flight to get here."

Just as he thought. Bon had been lying to him.

"O-Oh. Well thank you, that's all I really wanted to know." He said.

"No problem! We must arrange a meet so that I could see you! I hear that you're such a pretty thing, too!"

"That's no problem at all. I'll get back to you as soon as possible, I'd love to meet you." Rin said. He bid her farewell and hung up the phone, dropping it back into the bag and turning towards Shiemi. "What did she say?" She asked. Rin sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"She just confirmed that he was lying to me."


Shima sat in silence, watching as Yukio smiled to himself. Yukio looked over at Shima, locking eyes with him. His smile became even bigger and he covered his mouth with the back of his hand.


"Nothing. I like seeing you happy."

"I love you, Renzou."

Shima's heart skipped a beat and he felt a strange, fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Yukio had never been so open and honest about his feelings towards Shima. It was always "I guess I love you, idiot" or "You know that I do, moron" and he never smiled about it. Seeing him smile like he was smiling...happy like he was...made Shima so happy.

He didn't want to tell him the bad news.

It had been a few days since Shiro had called him and he had no clue how to go about telling them. Maybe...

Maybe he could just wait...maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad.

"What's the matter, Ren?"

"Huh? Oh nothing, nothing. I was just thinking about how happy it makes me to see you happy...and how much I love you."

Yukio grinned and leaned over to kiss Shima on his lips, wrapping his arms around him and whispering in his ear.

"Promise me something."


"Don't ever leave me."

Shima looked him in the eyes, holding both of Yukio's hands in his.

"I promise."

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