12. Deal With It

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Rin was unaware of the situation he was walking into when he walked into Shima's house. He wanted to check on Yukio before heading back to Bon's house, but Shima had yet to tell him or Bon that Rin's parents were there.

"Hey, is Yukio feeling--"

Rin paused when he set eyes on his mother and father sitting on Shima's couch. He turned and walked out of the room before turning and walking back in, just to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Nope. Still there.

He ran and practically knocked his father over with the force of his hug, leaning over and kissing his mother as Bon walked in.

"Be careful, Rin."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. C'mere, Ryu. I want you to meet my parents."

Bon made his way over to Yuri and Shiro, holding out his hand. "Ryuji Suguro. I'm assuming you're Rin's parents?" He said. Shiro shook his hand. "In fact, we are. You must be a good friend of Rin's." He said. Bon laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Not exactly. I'm Rin's boyfriend." He answered. Shiro paused and Yuri's eyes widened.

"Oh. That's...great! Right, Yuri?"

Yuri stayed silent, eyeing Rin for a moment.

"He's pregnant, Shiro."

"Are you sure?"


Suddenly, everyone else in the room exchanged looks of confusion.

"How did you know, mom?" Rin asked. She sighed and held her head in her hands. "I should have known that this would happen! We didn't think that you would be attracted to other men. We should have. Especially with your condition." She said. Rin furrowed his brows in confusion and kneeled down in front of his mother. "Mom, what condition?" He asked. When he didn't get an answer, he turned to his father.

"Dad? Come on, tell me what's going on."

Shiro sighed.

"Son...your grandfather, Dr. Ernst Egin, was a very sick man. When you were born, he...um...wanted to you to be a girl. He believed that Yukio was supposed to be the only boy. So...he took you from Yuri. You already had an overabundance of Estrogen...so he gave you a...um..."

"A what?"

"He gave you female reproductive organs."

"In other words, I have a uterus."

It was silent for a good 30 seconds. Rin took a moment to soak in the information that was just handed to him before standing up again.


Yuri and Shiro looked up at him in confusion.


"Yeah. Okay. I'm okay with it. The damage is done, so I'll deal with it. Besides, we both agreed to keep it so it's not like it's all bad."

Bon and Rin shared a smile and Yuri let out a sigh of relief. Then, as if she was possessed, Yuri snatched the front of Bon's shirt and yanked him forward. "Just so we know, if I find out that you ever hurt my baby then I will destroy you. Completely." She growled. Bon, quite terrified of the tiny woman, nodded his head. "Y-Yes ma'am. I love Rin, I wouldn't ever hurt him." He said. She narrowed her eyes and let go of him. "Yeah, I bet." She said, turning back to her husband. Shiro rubbed his head nervously. "Sorry, Suguro. Yuri gets a bit...heated...when it comes to the boys." He explained. Bon wrapped an arm around Rin. "Yeah. I see where Rin gets it from now." He answered.


After many hours fawning over Rin's newfound pregnancy, Yuri and Shiro decided to go to a hotel for the night.

"If you want, you're always welcome to stay here." Shima offered. "My place has more than enough room as well." Bon added. Shiro shook his head. "We've got it, boys. We want to give you all your space, but we need to be close enough to keep an eye out for you for a while. Yukio's episode could have ended much worse." He said. Yukio looked over at Shima in disbelief over the fact that he told his parents. Shima looked down at the floor as he felt Yukio's gaze on him.

"You told them?"

"I was worried about you; yes I did tell them."

Shiro felt as though maybe he had said too much. "Yukio, he was only trying to help." He said. Yukio scoffed.

"You want people to think that I'm some sort of broken, crazy fool? I didn't ask you to tell anyone that! I was vulnerable and you took advantage of that! Did you tell them everything else, too? Do they knew we were having sex while I was still engaged to Angel? Or did you tell them that Rin got raped and that the baby probably isn't Bon's?"


Rin smacked Yukio before he could catch himself. "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't ever fix your mouth to say some bullshit like that." He said. Yukio stood there, shaky for a moment before storming off down the hall and slamming the bedroom door shut. Shiro and Yuri were in shock and then faced Rin.

"Is that true?"

"It happened, but it's not the other guy's baby. The doctor said that I was six weeks and...well...that happened way before then. But I'm okay and the guy is in prison."

"Rin, why didn't you call us?"

"Ma, please just leave it."

Both parents shared a look of worry with each other as the sound of a car horn honked from outside. They grabbed their bags and headed for the door. "That's our cab. We're gonna go, but we will see you boys tomorrow. Sorry for the trouble, Renzou." Shiro said. Shima sighed and waved it off. "It's fine, it's not your fault. We'll be fine. Goodnight, Yuri. Shiro." He said. The married couple nodded towards him and headed out of the door. Rin followed behind them, giving his mother a hug and allowing her to kiss his forehead. Shiro gave him a hug as well, ruffling his hair.

"Stay well, son."

"I'm gonna have a heart attack before I'm thirty."

Shiro playfully shoved Rin at his joke and filed into the cab behind Yuri.

"Bye mom. Bye dad."

He waved at the cab as it drove off. Bon appeared behind him, sighing and staring the at the ground.

"That was dramatic."

"You don't believe that this isn't your baby, do you?"

Bon pulled Rin into a hug and kissed him. "Of course I don't. Now why don't we go home and all three of us can snuggle up and eat junk." He said with a smile. Rin giggled a bit, allowing himself to be swept off his feet by Bon and carried to the car.

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