11. Impossible

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"...If this is some sort of sick fucking joke, it's not funny."

Rin was close to smacking the hell out of Dr. Arisawa, and he wouldn't regret it either. Bon looked like he'd seen a ghost; all of the color had drained from his skin and he stood there with wide eyes in shock until Rin's voice snapped him out of his trance.

"Listen, asshole, I'm in a lot of fucking pain right now so cut the bullshit and give me some fucking pain killers until you can figure out what's wrong with me!"

"Rin...calm down, sweetheart."

"Don't tell me to calm the fuck down, Ryu."

The two narrowed eyes at each other in a silent stare down.

They had been worried that something serious might be wrong with Rin, and doctors had insisted that they keep him overnight only for Dr. Arisawa to come back and tell Rin that he was pregnant.

"I assure you, this is not a joke. Mr. Okumura, it is my job to assess these things and make diagnosis. I would not be saying this if it weren't true." Dr. Arisawa said. Rin opened his mouth when Bon clamped his hand down over it to keep it shut. "Excuse me, doc, but how exactly is that possible? After all, Rin is...male. You said it yourself." He said. There was a long pause as the doctor looked over Rin's chart.

"Well, we found...very large amounts of Estrogen in Rin's system. You know what that is, correct?"

"I play college football, doc, it's not my job to know these things. Enlighten me, would ya?"

Dr. Arisawa sighs and takes a seat in the desk chair not to far from him.

"Estrogen is a generic term for estrus-producing compounds; the female sex hormones. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries and in smaller amounts by the adrenal cortex. Estrogen is considered to be the "female" hormone, whereas testosterone is considered the "male" hormone. However, both hormones are present in both sexes. Rin just happens to have....an overabundance of Estrogen and not so much testosterone."

Rin blinked in confusion and then back and forth between Bon and the doctor.

"I didn't understand any of that shit!"

Bon rubbed his temples in frustration with Rin's attitude, but tried to remain as calm as possible. "Well I did so could you please shut your mouth and let me talk to the doctor, honey? Thank you." He said. Rin back-pedaled, closing his mouth in shock. Bon never spoke to him like that until now! "You were saying, doctor?" He continued. Dr. Arisawa cleared his throat with a cough before he began to speak again.

"It also seems like there may have been some...tampering...within your reproductive system. Have you had any surgery of any kind that you can remember?" He asked. Rin shook his head and the doctor hummed in question. "I see. Well, no matter then. You're at least six weeks pregnant. You want to keep it don't you?" He asked.

Rin paused. Sure, he wanted to keep the little snot if there actually was one in there, but how what did Bon want? "Don't be ridiculous." Bon said, breaking Rin's train of thought. His heart sank into his stomach when he heard the words leave Bon's mouth.

"Of course we're gonna keep our kid. What kind of idiot do you take me for?"

Rin looked up at Bon and noticed the quarterback smiling at him. Dr. Arisawa smiled as well. "Well then I guess we should start with your family planning. Let's get those prenatal vitamins for you." He suggested.

"Wait! Doc, I still have a...penis. How the hell am I supposed to give birth to a baby?"

"C-section, of course."



Shima quickly opened the door and allowed Shiro and Yuri to come inside. He had to admit, he was kinda skeptic of sending them there without telling the twins, but he felt it was better to have them there. Both boys had a strong resemblance to their mother. Rin was like her in so many ways; passionate, fiery, and so easy to love. However, Yukio had inherited her calm and rational demeanor...well, whenever he wasn't being extremely bipolar.

"I'll bring your bags up to the spare room and then wake Yukio for you." Shima said, making his way down the hall.

"Wake me for what?"

Shima saw Yukio standing in the bedroom doorway just as he was exiting the spare bedroom.

"Oh...I...um...wanted to tell you that your parents were here, honey."

Yukio's eyes widened and he turned to look down the hall. Just like Shima said, his mother and father were both standing right there.

"Well are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come and give mom a hug, Yuki?"

Yukio ran down the hall, nearly tackling his parents to the floor with the hug that he attacked them with. "I missed you guys so much! How? When?" He asked, grinning with happiness. Yuri smiled and Shiro ruffled Yukio's hair. "Well your boyfriend here gave us a call and we decided maybe it would be good for you to see your mom and your old man, eh?" He explained. Yukio looked over at Shima, confused on whether he should be happy, angry, or disappointed.

He smiled and leaned over to peck Shima on the lips.

"Thank you."

"Of course, babe."

Just then, Shima's phone rang and he laughed nervously as "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj began to play. "Excuse me for a sec..." He said, turning and answering his phone when he saw that it was Bon.

"How's it going? Everything okay?"

"Ah...yes and no."

"Whaddya mean by that?"

"Well the good news is that Rin is fine and while be fine. The bad news is that we don't know how to tell Yukio about it."

"That's great news. We'll just explain that--"

"Shima, Rin's pregnant."

The thick silence that followed was so heavy that it nearly suffocated Shima.

"I'm sorry...what?"

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