36. Bang Bang

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Bon and Shima were back at the strip club the next night and boy, did they have way more business that night than the last. It was hard to see whatever was happening on the stages, much less distinguish one stripper from the other.

"It's filthy in here and I'm starting to get pissed off." Bon said, a scowl apparent on his face. Shima's brows furrowed in frustration. He shared the same feeling of annoyance as his best friend and wished only to move things along so that he could go home and crawl into bed with Yukio.

"The little roach has gotta be around here somewhere." He mumbled, the roach in question being Mila. Bon was becoming impatient. He was done playing whatever game this was. He wanted his daughter back so that his family could be happy.

"I think I see the little witch. She's headed to the private room."

Bon's eyes flickered towards the back of the club and he caught a glimpse of her slipping away with some old, decrepit, unfortunate john. "Let's go join the party." Shima said, headed towards the back in quick strides while squeezing through the sea of people in his way. Bon followed close behind, not caring who he shoved out of his way to get to his destination.


"You've done a good job."

"Only because of what I get out of the deal."

Mila didn't even know this old man's name, and she honestly didn't want to. He gave her an offer that she couldn't refuse.

Help him get his hands on Rin's baby and Bon could be all hers.

His reasoning was that once there was corruption in the home, that everything else would fall apart as well. Just as soon as that happened, she'd swoop in and "save the day" just in time. She could do that just fine. It wasn't her family being torn apart anyway.

What he wanted with the baby was still a mystery to her. He could be some kind of weird rapist pedophile, in which case she felt kinda bad for the kid. He could be into human trafficking. He could be a sick, sadist baby murderer.

Those were not her problems though.

"They still suspect the boy, huh?" The man asked her. She shrugged, turning to face him. "I'm assuming so. They haven't said anything to me yet and I've had an alibi." She answered. He nodded, taking the his coat off.

"Well while I'm here, I might as well have a dance."

She cringed, but gathered herself and moved towards him anyway.


Bon kicked the door in rudely, allowing Shima to come in behind him. Mila, who was seating in the old man's lap, jumped up and sat down on the sofa.

"That door wasn't locked, you know."

"Cut the shit. I'm tired of this game, where's my kid?"

"I told you I don't--"

"Shiratori is dead. If you don't have her then you know who does."

The old man reached for his pocket, but Shima was faster. His whipped his pistol from his waistband and pointed it in his face. "Not so fast, Peewee Herman." He said, laughing to himself a bit. The man frowned and put his hands back in his lap.

Bon raised a brow at him. "Who the hell are you?" He asked. The man's eyes narrowed for a moment, but sighed and relaxed against the sofa.

"Ernst Egin."

Bon and Shima both paused.

Shiro had mentioned an Ernst Egin during his visit with Yuri. If memory served them correctly, he was the reason why Rin was able to carry a child.

Which made perfect sense as to why he may have been the one behind Ai's disappearance.

"Close the door, Shima. Lock it."

Shima handed Bon the gun and went to close the door. Bon sighed, pacing for a moment before pointing an accusing finger at Ernst.

"I'm assuming you wanted my daughter so you convinced her to help you. She obliged assuming that whatever promise you made her would come true. I've watched enough movies to know that." He began. Ernst's thin brow rose and Mila shifted nervously.

"I also know that you, Egin, have my daughter. I can't understand why though. Care to explain?"

"I don't know what you're--"

Bon pointed at Ernst's kneecap and pulled the trigger. The old man let out a scream of agony and Mila screamed in fear.

"Ten seconds before I unload another one in the same knee. Talk."

"Please, listen to me--"

He pulled the trigger again. More screams.

"The next bullet will be in your forehead. You have 30 seconds."

"She's in Upper True Cross! 1234 Koma Avenue!" Mila cried out, not wanting to be forced to watch the old man die. Ernst, however, sent a glare at her. "You stupid bitch, I should kill you!" He cried, reaching for her neck. Shima grabbed the back of his collar and threw him to the ground, pulling another pistol from the other side of his waistband.

"Sorry, it's just too risky to leave you alive."

"Shima, no!"

The pinkette pulled the trigger, planting the bullet into Ernst's skull. Bon flinched and Mila let out a loud cry, breaking down into tears. Shima turned to her, his eyes blank. "Shut up and fix your face. You walk out of here and you go do your job. Never speak a word of this or you're fucked too." He said. She nodded rapidly and scurried out into the club again.

"Shima, what the fuck?!"

"You don't know this now, but it had to be done. You've never done this stuff before, but I have and sometimes you just have to do things you don't wanna do."

"You aren't out on the streets anymore, man! This isn't the slums--"

"It's just as bad."

There was a silence, both men staring at the dead body on the floor.

"Do you trust me, Ryuji?"

He used his first name. He hadn't called him that in 15 years.

Shima had always known the right thing to do...even when it wasn't the right thing to do.

"I...I trust you."

"Then know that I got you, okay? I'm not gonna have you out here like a dead man. Just trust me."

Bon nodded and Shima heaved Ernst over his shoulder. He was surprisingly strong to be as small as he was.

"You go to the address. There's no telling how long they plan on keeping her there. I'll take care of him. Don't go in or act until I make it there. Observe and keep me posted. If something concerns you then call me immediately."

"Right." Bon said. He couldn't find any other words.

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