5. I Want To

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Rin's eyes fluttered open and he realized he was in a bed that was not his.

And that he was alone.

He sat up in the bed and looked around, realizing that he was in Bon's house.

How did he end up her--oh, never mind.

Flashbacks of the drunken night before had flooded his mind instantly. He smiled to himself once he remembered that Bon kissed him and didn't take advantage of him. He was...a gentleman? Yeah, that's a good way to put it. The question was, however, where the quarterback was at that exact moment. Surely he didn't just leave Rin in his house by himself, did he?

"You're up. I made breakfast for you but you were so damn cute that I didn't want to wake you."

Bon stood in the doorway still in his boxers, hair a mess, and bags under his eyes.

"You look exhausted."

"You snore like a bear when you're drunk."

Rin was embarrassed, but Bon dismissed it before he had a chance to dwell to much on the thought.

"Your breakfast is still in the kitchen for you, sweetheart, but I'll bring it here for you. I have class today so I can't stick around, but you can stay here if you want."


Bon smiled and nodded. "Yeah. It's only if you want to though. You were kinda wide open last night and I figured that you wanted to rest up." He said. Rin bit his lip as Bon turned to go back to the kitchen. He impulsively got up from the bed and grabbed Bon from behind, wrapping his arms around his torso. "Can you...sit with me a little longer?" He asked. Bon turned and grinned. "Sure. Come on." He said, leading Rin back to his bed.

In all honesty, Bon knew that he would be late if he didn't get dressed and leave then but how could he say no to Rin? They climbed into bed and he wrapped his arms around the tiny ravenette. "So what's the matter? You're suddenly a lot more clingy than I remember." He asked. Rin furrowed his brows and Bon sighed. "It's not bad, I actually want you to depend on me more. Makes me feel like you want me and that you'll let me take care of you." He explained. Rin smiled.

"Well I've been thinking..."


"That...well...maybe it wouldn't be a stretch to say that you were my...boyfriend?"

Bon blinked and got out of the the bed with a straight face. He walked into the bathroom and closed to the door for about ten seconds before walking back out.

"Your what?"


"Yes, I thought I heard that."

He walked out of the room and Rin stared after him in confusion when all at once, Bon screamed at the top of his lungs, running down the hallway and jumping onto the bed and on top of Rin. Rin fell back onto bed, unable to prepare himself for the barrage of kisses that Bon unleashed onto him. He laughed and giggled, squirming and trying to get the excited young man off of him. "Bon! B--Ryuji, cut it out ha ha ha!" He laughed. Bon got off of him and grinned like he was mad. "You have no clue how much of a happy man you've made me." He said.

"I can guess, trust me. When does your class start?"

"5 minutes ago but that's not important."

"Won't you get kicked off of the football team if your grades start lacking?"

Bon paused for a second and face palmed when he realized that Rin was right.

"That's right. Dammit. Okay, how about this: you go shopping today to keep yourself occupied until I come home and then we can both drive to the game together. Shima said that he and Yukio are coming together."

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now