16. Can't Be Helped

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Shiemi hadn't seen or heard from Rin in days. It was so totally unlike him that it was starting to worry her. He wouldn't answer calls or texts. She checked Suguro's place and he wasn't there. The people at the dorms said that both he and Yukio had moved out and someone else had told her that she might be able to find him at Shima's.

When Shiemi approached the door, she heard screaming.

Painful screaming.

She took the pepper spray from her purse and opened the door, slowly creeping inside. When she saw Angel plowing into Yukio on Shima's dining room table she panicked, screaming in shock. Angel turned to look at her and he looked ANGRY. He moved away from Yukio and advanced towards her.

"You little--"

"Get away from me!"

She sprayed him in the face with the pepper spray and he went down immediately. She kicked him repeatedly for good measure before running to the table and untying Yukio. He removed the blindfold from his face and pulled his clothes up, embarrassed that Shiemi saw him like that but grateful that she was there to save him.

"Are you okay, Yuki?!"

"I am now. Thank you, Shiemi."

She hugged him and smiled her usual smile, pulling him towards the door. Angel pulled himself up, eyes wide, red, and deranged.

"I'm going to kill the both of you!"

He reached for Shiemi and she dodged him, pulling Yukio to the other side of the room.


The front door burst open and a familiar young lady with a purple dye job came in. Her eyes locked on Angel and she reached for her waistband. "Just leave them alone and go away." She said calmly. Angel growled, turning away and lunging for Yukio again.

Izumo pulled a gun from her waistband.

Two shots fired.

Angel went down on top of Yukio and Yukio screamed.

"Get him off of me! Get him off!"

Shiemi pulled Yukio from underneath Angel and Izumo ran over to the side of them. She grabbed Shiemi and kissed her, giving her a once over to check for injuries.
"You okay?"

"I'm fine. We should take Yukio to the hospital."

Yukio shook his head, rejecting the idea entirely. What would he look like showing up as a rape victim? He wasn't hurt so they would just leave it at that. Izumo sighed and stared down at Angel's body. "I think I killed him." She said. Shiemi squeezed Izumo's hand and looked her in the eyes.

"You saved the both of us. You didn't do anything wrong."

Izumo smiled at Shiemi, only for a split second. "Jeez, you sure know how to make me feel better about the crappy stuff that I do.


Shima panicked when he saw the police cars outside of his house. Was Yukio dead? Did Angel...kill him? He took off into a sprint, pushing past the cops and into his house.

"Sir, you can't go in there!"


He pushed past the paramedics and into his living room, only stopping when he saw Yukio sitting on the couch alive and well. He spotted Shima and stood, only to be tackled down onto the couch again with a bear hug.


"God, I was scared. So scared..."

Yukio managed to peel Shima off of him enough to look him in the eyes. "Are...are you crying?" He asked, watching tears stream down his face. Shima looked up, glaring at Yukio. "Don't be stupid! You know that I was worried about you. Of course I'm crying!" He said. Shiemi and Izumo finished talking to one of the cops, turning to look at Shima and Yukio.

"You should be more worried about the dead guy on your carpet."


Shima turned and watched as they lifted Angel's body from his floor to cart it away. The blood stain that it left was ugly to say the least. Shima cringed. "Yeah. You're right. We're gonna need new carpet." He said.


Rin had to admit that this Detective Neuhaus guy was a real asshole. The only thing he did was make rude and cruel comments towards him, which really wasn't necessary. All he had to do was guard his room.

TALKING was not a requirement.

"Disgusting. Man wasn't fit to carry children."

"Yeah, well I didn't really have any fucking control over it so BITE ME. Asshole."

Neuhaus scowled and stepped towards Rin's bed.

"Altering your body in this way is a sin."

"I didn't alter anything! You don't even know me, dickweed, so just take a hike."

Neuhaus was more or less curious now. He would have to check this young man's file to get a better description of his condition. In his personal opinion, you could be a homo all day long just as long as you're not trying birth children. It just seemed so unnatural and nasty to him.

At this point, Detective Night walked in and immediately noticed the tension in the room.

"Something wrong."

"Your guard is an asshole. Make him leave."

"Rin, I can't--"


The detective sighed and waved his hand, dismissing Neuhaus and sitting down in the chair next to the bed. "I haven't been able to find much, Rin. It's really dangerous to send you out there without finding this guy first." He said. Rin sighed, staring at his blanket.

"I know. I miss my family."

Detective Night gave him a sad smile.

"I know. Don't worry, this will all be over soon."

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