47. Color Me Bad

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A/N: Okay, so let's pretend the photo is Yukio and not Levi. You'll thank me for the visual later.

Dear Rin,

Things have been pretty bad lately, huh? I guess fate had her fingers around our necks for a good reason though. Maybe we had to go through Hell just to take a peek at heaven...

I'm sorry, I'm rambling again. I just want you to know that I love you. You are my best friend. Nothing could ever change that and my leaving has nothing to do with you. None of this was your fault and if anything, it was mine. I'm okay though, so no tears. Promise me.

Oh and take good care of the twins for me and give em' kisses for me.

Your brother, Yukio.

P.S.- Please don't tell Ren that I'm gone.

Rin had gone to the apartment where Yukio was staying to check on him only to find it vacant and a note on the door. A tiny part of him wanted to cry, but the fact that Yukio was okay set his heart at ease. He sighed, folding the note and putting it into his pocket.

Yukio's reasoning for his departure could be for any number of reasons. It wasn't Rin's place to try and stop Yukio from finding happiness.

"He could have at least said goodbye in person."

"He's always been quite peculiar, ay?"

The familiar voice startled Rin. He dared not turn around, fear of this ghost in his heart. His face hardened and his stomach settled before he turned, a glare deep in his eyes.

Sure enough his fears had been confirmed. He wasn't prepared for this.

"And just what the hell are you doing showing your face around here again?"

A smile settled on thin lips, but Rin's glare hadn't faltered. No smile could ever change the unforgiving chill he felt in his heart.


Shima scrubbed himself as thoroughly as possible given the circumstances. It's not as if he hadn't been in the situation before--being locked up that is. He may have been a criminal but he was no barbarian. He would remain clean, dammit!

"Don't drop the soap, Shima." A fellow inmate joked as he entered the showers. Shima laughed along, turning to face him with a deadly grin.

"It ain't like you're gonna try anything if I do. Cause you don't wanna die...right?"

The inmate froze, a chill running down his spine even though the heat of the shower was overwhelming.

"Chill, man, I was just joking. Of course I ain't fucking with you, everybody knows not to fuck with Yaozo's son."

"Yeah. We know you're fucking bonkers, man!"

"Totally! Especially after that rampage you went on after Take died."

At the mention of his elder brother, Shima slammed the tallest guy against the shower wall; the sound of his skull cracking against the tile was sickening. He shoved his bar of soap into the inmate's mouth roughly, almost until it all fit into it.

"You watch your fucking mouth when you talk about my brother." He said, the look in his eyes was more than menacing. He let go, making his way out of the shower without bothering to grab his towel.

"That was unnecessary, Snake."

"I don't have the patience right now, Azreal."

Shima ignored his old acquaintance and proceeded to pull his shirt onto his semi-wet body. He should have put his pants on first, he learned this quickly when a hand caressed his backside. He jumped, glaring at the blonde behind him. Azreal made no motion to move.

"You don't have the patience for me, Renzou? Not even for a few minutes while we're alone?"

'The idea of it is utterly repulsive.' Shima thought to himself, grimacing inwardly. He hadn't found Azreal the slightest bit attractive and his attempt at being seductive was failing horribly.

"Now what would you possibly want with me?"

He turned, grabbing Azreal's hand and removing it only for the other hand to grope his exposed crotch. Shima winced at the slightly rough treatment. He would become no one's prison bitch.

"First of all..."

He swung his leg underneath the blonde's feet and straddled him in order to keep him still once his back collided with the ground. His hand clasped around Azreal's throat tightly.

"I don't bottom. I'm to be no one's bitch. Second of all, I'm not even remotely interested. You're such a bore and you're goddamn easy, you slut."

Had he not had orders from his father to keep Azreal alive a bit longer, Shima would squeeze his windpipe until it collapsed and kill him dead.

"...hard to get as always. Or did you really fall in love with that Okumura? Is that it? No one allowed to touch him but you?"

"Don't talk like you know what you're talking about, you idiot. You're just rambling on about something your simple little walnut sized brain can't possibly understand."

He got off of Azreal and then pulled his pants on, rolling onto his bunk and pulling a book from his thin, unsupportive pillow.


Yukio thought his new haircut suited him well, though he was a bit scared to try it at first. He now gave off the vibe of a carefree and most likely reckless young man--though one of the young men in the barber shop called it a "fuckboy" haircut.

It was unlike his usual bookwormy, strict and overbearing self. Maybe he'd have to try this new persona out a while.

"You new around here, lad?"

Yukio nodded and held out his hand to the Englishman in front of him.

"Shizu Kaname. Nice to meet ya; it's my first day here in London."

"Name's Russell Gray! Nice to meet ya, Shee-zoo. We see quite a few you Asians around here every so often. You here for touring?"

Yukio shook his head, taking note of the man's strange accent. "I moved here from Japan. Change of scenery and all, you know?" He answered. Russell grinned, a heavy hand patting Yukio on the shoulder.

"Good on ya, chap! Well how's about you and I grab a bite and then I show ya around the place? My treat." He offered. Yukio took the offer with a smile, allowing for Russell to put an arm over his shoulder and lead him into town.

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now