24. Secrets

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"Whoa, you seriously had to go through that?"

"True story, bro. That's why I love Rin, he's understanding and even though he might beat the hell out of me first, he forgives me when I fuck up. He gets that I'm trying."

"I seriously doubt that pretty little thing could hurt anyone, Bon."

Bon scoffed at Kinzo. He obviously had never seen an angry Rin before. "Believe that if you want. Because of Rin, I now fear pregnant women." He said. Shima and Kinzo laughed out loud and Amaimon just shook his head, taking a sip from his can of beer.

The football team had gotten together at Bon's place that night and Rin went over to Izumo's with Shiemi and Yukio.

Shima asked about what happened to him on the field the other day. What kind of friend would he be not to tell them if they were all so concerned?

"So are you gonna marry Rin or are you two just gonna have this baby and live together?" Juzo asked. Bon sighed, downing the rest of his beer. "I love Rin with my soul, I can assure that, but...I don't know about getting married. Ya know?" He said. Amaimon blinked. "No, I don't. Usually when people love each other enough to have a kid, they get married." He said blankly.

"The whole monogamy thing is just new to me. I know I won't cheat on him, I feel sick whenever I get near a female. I just don't feel attracted to anyone else but Rin. Plus, his mom threatened me and that lady is a nightmare." Bon said. Shima stiffened, feeling his heart sink.

He still avoided telling the twins the news.

Honestly, how do you do that? Just walk up and go "Hey babe, you're mom killed herself and your dad ran off so don't be sad"? The whole situation a was just fucked up.

"You okay man?"

Shima looked up and all of his teammates seemed concern...

Except for Amaimon. He never looked concerned. Just curious.

"Guys...I really need some advice." He said. "Go on, dude. We're listening." Kinzo answered. Shima paused, feeling like he would explode if he didn't tell someone.

"Rin and Yukio's mom committed suicide."


"The twins don't know and their dad went M.I.A after he asked me to break the news to them but it was like three or four weeks ago and I can't bring myself to say it." He said. The sound of glass shattering caught their attention and the boys looked up. Shima thought he was about to have a heart attack.

"Y-Yuki! Rin..."

The twins were standing in the doorway with Shiemi and Izumo behind them. The glass bowl full of popcorn that was in their hands was shattered all over the floor and the twins' skin paled.

"M-Mom...? S-She..."

"Baby, I'm so sorry..."

Rin, lip quivering in an attempt to hold in his tears, bolted down the hall and Bon shot after him, calling after him.

Shima's eyes locked with Yukio's, the brunette's expression unreadable.


"No. I'm fine."

Juzo and Kinzo exchanged a look with each other and got up, pulling Amaimon along as they left.

Shima got up from his seat, wrapping his arms around Yukio only to be pushed away.

"You didn't tell me..."

"I didn't know how!"

"Whatever. People die, right? That's what they do."

Yukio's arm twitch furiously and his breathing picked up. Shima expected him to break down into tears, but instead, Yukio grabbed the chair in front of him and slammed it against the wall until it became nothing but splintered remains.

"I fucking trusted you, why?! Why didn't you tell me, Shima?! Do you like to see me miserable?! You're all the same! You wait until I'm happy and then you take a huge fucking cleat and just stomp my heart to fucking pieces! Dammit!"

Tears were rolling down Yukio's cheeks and he paced back and forth before pushing Shima out of the way and moving toward the door.

"Yukio, wait!"

"Fuck you!"

Shima ran after him, pulling him back into the house despite his constant thrashing. He slid down the wall, holding am angry, sobbing Yukio in his arms.

"It hurts!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby."

Shima had no clue how he was gonna fix it this time, but he needed to think fast.

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now