35. Ferrari

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Yukio sat in the car, hot-boxing his ass off with a family sized bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in the passenger's seat and "Don't" by Ed Sheeran blasting on repeat. He had smoked three blunts already and he was so smashed that he didn't remember why he was smoking in the first place.

"Yukio?!" A muffled voice called from outside his car. He reluctantly rolled down the window, watching the smoke fly out. "What the fuck? What the fuck is this?!" The voice cried out. The smoke eventually cleared and Yukio recognized Shima's face.

"Hey baby...what's up?" He asked. Shima sighed, getting into the car and turning down the music. The cannabis perfume bathed him and Yukio smiled at him, trying to hold in his laughter.

"...How many have you had?"

"Three...four...five? I don't know." He laughed. Shima sighed again, reaching over and kissing Yukio. He knew that whatever had made Yukio smoke this much had to have been eating away at his nerves. It was probably the whole situation with Aimi.

"Oh baby...I'm so sorry." He said to the mole-faced twin. Yukio nuzzled his nose against the palm caressing his face. "Hm? Why are you sorry?" He asked. Shima shook his head, pulling the younger man into his lap and kissing him again. Yukio giggled a bit, straddling Shima's lap and kissing him again.

"I wanna have sex in the car."

"In a Ferrari? Babe, this space is extremely small--"

"Fuck me."


Bon had found Rin face down in their bed, passed out from exhaustion. He slid next to him, wrapping his arms around him tightly and kissing his neck. "I love you. I'm so...so sorry. I'm so sorry, Rin, that I can't find our baby." He said, squeezing him tighter.

"It's not our fault..."


Rin turned, wrapping his own arms around Bon and putting his face in his neck. "It's not our fault. I realize that now." He said. He had sat there long and hard and after hours of blaming himself--and Bon--he figured out that they really weren't the ones to blame. If it wasn't meant for them to have such a wonderful experience with being parents...if it wasn't meant for them to have their daughter then God wouldn't have allowed it. He wouldn't force them to go through this suffering!

"I miss my baby..."

"I know, Rin. I miss our baby, too."

Instead of going out on a manhunt, he should have been there to comfort Rin. He was sitting there, falling apart while Bon went on an angry rampage with his trigger happy best friend. What kind of man was he? He couldn't believe that he had said that he didn't want to marry Rin. Now he wished that they'd ran off and got married as soon as they found out Rin was pregnant. Rin needed this sense of security.

"You're still going to marry me..."

Rin slowly sat up in bed, looking away from Bon.

"Didn't I say I would? Why are we talking about this?"

Why did he choose this exact moment to talk about this? Wasn't he enough pain already? Was this some sick way to try and make him feel better? To distract him? He was almost certain that Bon was about to start laughing, telling Rin that it was all a joke. He was almost certain that his heart was about to shatter...but Bon's answer came back just as broken as Rin's question.

"Because I need you...in my life...forever."

Rin's heart skipped a beat and he turned around, eyes going wide as watched the tears fall from Bon's face. He was shaking...and beyond all else he felt guilty...ashamed if you must, clutching to the bed sheets as he trembled like a sad child.

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now