42. Fade to black

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It seemed like they had been standing outside of the apartment room for ages when it had really only been seconds.

"Are you ready?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"I suppose not."

Bon let out a deep sigh, his heart rate picking up when he saw Shima raise his leg to kick the door in.


His boot slammed against the wooden door and it gave way, almost immediately welcoming them with heavy gunfire. Shima made it in first, rolling behind a nearby sofa and waiting until the fire lightened up before he rose and gave the first guard a bullet to the head.

'Perfect shot.' He thought to himself, looking towards the door where Bon was still stuck.

"I'll cover you!"


Shima rose again, nearly catching a bullet to the neck from across the room. He retaliated, missing the intended target but managing to push them into a temporary retreat.

Bon took the opportunity to crawl into the room, not being able to help noticing how run down and filthy it was compared to the outside. He took cover behind a stained old recliner, cursing these people for not having decent furniture.

And then there was silence.

Bon looked over at Shima who mirrored his equally confused expression...

Until he heard the sound of a crying child.

Bon jumped up from behind the chair and rolled forward, dodging a bullet by barely an inch and aimed for the guy in the corner. The bullet hit him in the neck and he went down, gurgling on his own blood.

The sound of the crying became louder and Bon knew that it was his daughter. He took off down the short hallway, kicking open doors only to find empty rooms.

"Dammit, where are you?"


Shima studied the bodies on the ground. All of them were wearing the cross symbols of the Grigory. He only counter three bodies when there were initially four though...which could only mean that...



Bon snapped in the direction in which he had heard his best friend call for him. He sounded panicked and he wanted to go back, but his daughter was somewhere in there. She needed him.

There was only one door left and he was sure he'd find his daughter in there. He tried to open it and it had been locked but he could hear the muffled sound of crying on the other side.

He slammed his body against the door once.


Once again.

It unhinged itself and fell to the floor, splintering in some areas.

In the center of the room was a pink and white crib, a babbling child surely laying in it.

He took quick strides, his heart racing with joy. His eyes met with a pair of big blue ones and he smiled uncontrollably, leaning over to kiss her. She stopped crying, holding on to his finger.

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