10. Relapse

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Shima had absolutely no idea what was going on, but he was absolutely terrified. All he did was kiss Yukio that morning and Yukio totally flipped out! He kept screaming "Please don't hurt me!" and somehow ended up locking himself in the bathroom. He felt as though he had no other choice but to call Rin.

However, Rin wasn't so chipper himself.

He'd been sick for the last few weeks and although Bon just assumed it was something he ate, he was started to become more worried for Rin's safety with each passing day.


Rin was currently hovered over a toilet with Bon rubbing his back as he emptied his stomach into the porcelain bowl when his phone rang. Bon ignored the buzzing, continuing to comfort Rin.

"You okay, sweetheart?" He asked. Rin nodded and flushed the toilet. He grabbed his toothbrush from the medicine cabinet and proceeded to brush his teeth when his phone began buzzing again. He washed out his mouth, looking over at it to see that it was Shima. He picked it up and slid the unlock screen, answering the phone.


"Hey...um...are you busy?"

"Not...particularly. Is something wrong?"

The sound of glass breaking caught Rin's attention and the faint cry of "Don't touch me, Angel!" echoed into the speaker.

"Is...is that Yukio?"

"Yeah. I think he's going into some kind of relapse or something. He's totally freaking out and I don't know what to do."

"I'll be right there. Try to keep him calm."

Rin hung up the phone and washed his hands. "What's wrong, baby?" Bon asked. Rin furrowed his brows and looked over at his boyfriend. "Yukio's freaking out and it's getting bad. I'm gonna go over to Shima's and see if I can help him." He explained. Bon slipped a t-shirt on and grabbed his keys. "I'm coming with you. You're not exactly in any condition to be anyone's superhero." He said. Rin didn't object, opting to get into the Camaro instead. Bon followed close behind.


Yukio was throwing dishes now, trying to keep Shima away from him.

"Please don't hurt me!"

"Yukio...please, sweetheart, calm down--"

"Angel! Don't hit me anymore!"

"It's me, sweetie. It's Renzou! See? Look at me..."

Yukio slowly started to realize what was happening. What was he doing to Shima? This wasn't Angel. He wasn't going to hurt him...

Was he...?

His dropped the plate in his hand and dropped to his knees, crying into his hands. "I'm sorry! I'm scared!" He cried. Shima stared in awe for a moment, realizing that Yukio didn't just look at him as Angel, but he was afraid to fully allow himself to be in love with Shima because of Angel. He slowly approached Yukio, wrapping his arms around him just as Bon and Rin came through the front door. They paused, stopping and watching the two in silence.

"Tell me why you're afraid, Yukio."


"You're scared that I'm going to hurt you like he did? He really scarred you...didn't he?"

Yukio shook and trembled in Shima's arms and Shima tightened his embrace around him. "I'm not him. I won't ever be the coward that he was. I swear to everything that is true that I will protect you and love you mind, body, and soul. Don't shut me out again...please." He continued. Yukio didn't talk, he just wrapped his arms tighter around Shima and Shima kissed his temple. "It's okay, baby. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. No one." He whispered.

Rin was about to join them when his stomach tightened uncomfortably and he felt the urge to empty the contents of his stomach again. He ran to the nearest garbage can, puking into it so much that he could barely catch his breath. Shima looked over to the trash can as Bon ran over to him and scooped Yukio up in his arms.

"You need to get back to bed, okay?"

He starts down the hall, going into the bedroom and coming out without Yukio in his arms. He went back towards the trash to see Rin slumped over, pale and sweating. Bon was hoisting him up in his arms, moving quickly as Rin began to lose consciousness. "Something is wrong with him. I'm taking him to the hospital right now!" He said. Rin convulsed in pain in his arms.


"Hang on, baby, I'm gonna get help for you okay?"

He started for the door, setting Rin down in the front seat and strapping him in. He turned to Shima. "Stay here with Yukio until I call you. Don't tell him anything until we're sure, we don't need anything to freak him out any more than it already has." He said, getting in and driving off.


Shima peeked into the bedroom to make sure that Yukio was sleeping after he cleaned all of the glass from his floor. He sighed, picking up Yukio's phone from the table and flipping through the contacts until he found the one that he was looking for.


He dialed and waited for someone to pick up.


"Hi...um...I'm looking for Yukio's dad? This is his...boyfriend...Renzou Shima."

"Boyfriend? I thought he was engaged to Angel?"

Shima took the time to explain the situation to him, and fairly enough his father seemed infuriated with Angel.

"That bastard was...BEATING my poor little Yukio?"

"The boys don't tell you anything, do they? A lot has happened in the past few months."

"Well, it's been awfully hard for my wife and I to come and visit with them, but whenever they call everything seems fine. Maybe we should make a surprise visit."

"I'd love to help with that. Sooner than later would probably be a good thing. I'm sorta lost at what to do here."

"I should have known not to send them out like that. Yukio has serious bipolar disorder and Rin...well...that's a story for our visit. How does tomorrow night sound?"

Bipolar disorder? That explained a hell of a lot.

"That's fine. I've got plenty of room here for both of you guys. Stay as long as you like Mr....?"

"Fujimoto. But you can call me Shiro. My wife, Yuri, and I will be there first thing in the morning. Just send me your address."

"Sure thing. See you soon, Shiro."

"Soon indeed, Shima. Good day."

He hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch. He should probably be there when Yukio wakes up....

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