41. Promise

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Shima stood over the ashes of Egin's body, inhaling smoke from a cigarette before blowing it back out again. The best way to get rid of the body was to incinerate it. He'd thought of it as a free cremation service he'd done for the old fool. No one would miss him anyway.

Shima felt guilty for allowing himself to relapse into his old ways, but when he laid eyes on Egin it had snapped a cord within his brain. He hadn't meant to kill anyone, but to use his old skill in order to find Aimi. His family was in pain and that's what mattered to him. The fact that Egin was the Father of the Grigory, a gang that Shima and the Masons had long-term beef with, only made it easier for Shima to fully convert back to his criminal ways.

"Good fucking riddance." He snorted, stomping over the ashes and kicking dirt over them. He was so far out in the words that he doubted anyone would come out looking for him. He'd taken the keys from Egin's pocket and used his car to drive out there, telling the people in the club that he was just drunk and needed to be escorted home. It was so easy that it was almost too good to be true.

Shima had honestly considered calling the Masons for assistance in retrieving Ai. The fact that he was sure that the Grigory had something to do with it just gave him all the more reason to. He could retrieve Ai and then kill off the last of the bastards who had taken his oldest brother from him in an attempt to scare them. The only thing he really did was agitate the lions in their cages.

Two birds with on stone, right?

He'd think it over on his way there. He hadn't spoken to Azreal, the leader of the Masonic brotherhood, in years. Not since he told him that he wanted to quit his gang days in order to go to school. He had a family that worried about him. His parents were tired of having to worry about him every time the news came on. Even now, he had Yukio to consider. He had Ai and Bon and even Rin who were now a part of his family. He had to think rationally.

Something he hadn't done as a teenager.

He shook himself away from his thoughts and headed back to the car, ready to take his niece back in a blaze of fury.

"Just hang in there, baby girl, we're coming."


Bon was startled by a knock on the passenger window, looking over to see Shima outside of it. He opened the door, stepping out and rounding the car to meet Shima on the other side.

"It's been taken care of. See anything that might hinder this process?"

"Not really, but it's probably heavy security in there."

Shima had predicted as much. He anticipated for much blood to be spilled.

Just not Bon's, Ai's, or his.

"Here, take this."

Shima handed Bon a gun and the look in Bon's eyes spelled out DECLINE. "Listen to me, bro. If you don't go in here strapped then you're gonna get smoked. Period. We have to do this for Ai." Shima said, attempting to persuade him and comfort him at the same time. Bon shook his head in denial. He knew he had to get Ai back but he was not a murderer.

"I can't kill these people--"

"Then don't. Shoot 'em in the leg or the knee. You don't have to kill them. Just make sure they can't kill us."

Bon inhaled a deep breath and tucked the gun into his waistband. The strong possibility that he may have very well died in the next few moments was fresh on his mind. He may not have been able to save Ai, and he may have very well died trying. Before he did this, he need to speak to Rin one last time.

"Let me talk to Rin. I just wanna hear his voice."

Shima smiled at Bon, nodding his head.

"Yeah, I was about to suggest the same thing."


The sound of his phone ringing forced Rin out of his sleep and made Rin unwrap himself from Yukio's body to reach over onto the nightstand and answer.


"Hey baby...you okay?"

The sound of Bon's voice shook off whatever sleep the twins had on their minds. He put the phone on speaker so that Yukio could hear.

"Suguro? Is Ren with you? Are you guys okay?" Yukio asked?

"And why the fuck have you not been answering the phone, huh? Don't you know that we fucking worry about you two idiots?!" Rin added.

They could practically hear the boys smiling on the other end.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll be home in a few hours, okay? I just had some things to work on, I didn't mean to upset you." Bon responded from the other end. Rin felt tears stinging at his eyes a bit, relieved that he was alright.

"I hate you, Ryu."

Rin laughed a bit, his voice cracking as tears fell down his cheeks. Bon laughed a little too.

"I love you too, baby. I miss you, too. I'm gonna try my best to come home to you as soon as possible okay? I love you so much, never forget that."

Rin didn't like the way that Bon was talking. Something was wrong, but he knew Bon wouldn't tell him if it was. "Of course, baby. Just come home soon. I miss you so much." He answered. He could hear Shima talking in the background. It was a little fuzzy at first, but he could hear what sounded like Bon handing the pinkette the phone.

"Yuki? Baby, are you there?"

Yukio grabbed the phone and held it to his ear, even though it was on speaker.

"I'm right here, Ren."

"Good, you're not alone. I'm sorry I made you worry, baby doll. I'm well taken care of, though. You don't have to worry your beautiful heart about anything."

"Promise me that you're not going back to doing those bad things."

There was a long pause and Yukio's hand had begun shaking as tears fell again.

"Renzou, fucking promise me! If you don't promise me right now then I'm going to pack my shit and leave; promise me!"

"I promise, baby. Don't leave, okay? I promise. I wanna be able to come home and wrap my arms around you and love you. I won't do anything to jeopardize that--"

"I love you, Ren. Please just make sure you come home."

"...I love you with every part of me."

The line went dead and Yukio had the frantic urge to throw the phone and smash it into pieces but he handed it back to Rin instead, flopping back onto the bed and burying his face in the pillow. Rin wrapped himself around Yukio again, attempting to lull him back to sleep.


Shima felt weak, his knees buckled now at the thought of the pain that he was putting Yukio through.

But it had to be done.

What Yukio didn't know wouldn't hurt him and he's sure that Bon would say a word.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine. Let's just get this over with."

Dear No One (Bon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now