48. Stitches

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Above is a photo of Russell.

"Shee-zoo! How ya doin', love? Listen, a couple of investors are gonna be at Keenan's banquet this week and my old man wants me to attend on behalf of the company. The old bloke is so greedy that all he ever sees is dollar signs!

Anyways, I was wondering if a beaut like you would be willing to accompany me as my date? I totally get it if ya don't but make sure ya get back to me with a yes or no, yeah? Later, doll."

Yukio smiled as he checked his voicemail, shutting the door behind him after entering his one bedroom apartment. Russell was such a charming man that Yukio couldn't find a reason not to attend. Even though the Englishman was still having trouble pronouncing his alias, the two of them were quite close now and had been since the day he got to London. It had been 6 months already.

Russell even help Yukio get a job as his assistant at his job at his father's advertising company.

Yukio dialed Russell's number and waited patiently as it rang, setting groceries on the counter.


"Hey, Russ."

"Shee-zoo! Hey darlin', good to hear your voice. What are you up to?"

Yukio grinned, sitting down on the couch. "Just getting home from work. The taxi ride back was hell. Anyways, I got your message. I'd love to come along to the banquet."

"Fantastic, love! Maybe next time I should just take you home myself. I quite enjoy ya company."

"Oh stop it, I'm blushing."

"I wish I could see that cute little blush on your face. You make my heart all jumpy, ya know?"

For a brief moment, Shima's face flashed through Yukio's mind. His smile. His laugh. His gentle touch.

He shook it away. That wasn't his life anymore and Shima never loved him. He had overheard a phone call between the pinkette and some unknown person. The exact words from Shima's mouth were "I've successfully infiltrated the Okumuras and eliminated the threat."

He used him. He used Yukio and that's why Yukio had to leave. He could never be reminded of him again.

God, he felt like such a tool.

"Shee-zoo? I haven't scared ya off, have I?"

Russell's voice broke Yukio away from his depressing thoughts.

"Ah...no, no. I was just thinking is all."

"You sound like you could use some cheering up. How about I bring a few beers and a pizza up to your apartment and we make fun of the crazy ole bat across the hall?"

Yukio smiled again. Russell was such a nice man.

"Of course. Just text me when you get here and I'll let you right up."


Bon fixed his tie hurriedly as he slipped his way down the staircase. He wasn't late for work but knowing Mephisto, he'd make getting to work a lot more difficult than need be.

Being the new assistant coach for the TCU Blue Devils would be one hell of a job.

He made his way into kitchen where Rin was feeding the twins in their high chairs. His lunch was already packed and his coffee was hot and ready.

"Aw, thanks babe. You're the best." He greeted, leaning down to place his lips on Rin's. Rin smiled up at his new husband, feeding a spoonful of applesauce to Renji while Ai seemed to be refusing any more of the food.

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