33. Five-0

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"Where is he, asshole? I know that you know. I'll break every bone in your fucking body until I find out." Bon said calmly, circling the body struggling to stand in the alley. Shima squatted down and yanked the guy by his hair, forcing him to look up. He held the gun in his hand up to the guy's forehead.

"Don't make this hard, Hanataro. I could skip all of this tedious foreplay and just put a bullet in your brain pan. That wouldn't bother you though, would it? Until I forced you to watch me put one in your mom and sister first. You'll watch me tear your family apart just like you're helping tear my buddy's family apart."

"Please! I haven't seen Shiratori in weeks, I swear--GAH!"

Bon broke a few more ribs with a very bone rattling kick. He was starting to get pissed and even though he wouldn't hold a gun to anyone's head, he'd happily beat them within an inch of their lives or even kill em dead if it came down to it. Yeah...he'd kill over Rin and Ai.

"Don't fucking toy with my emotions, you worthless piece of pig shit." He said as calm as possible, trying to keep his composure. Hanataro spit blood out on the alleyway and sobbed in pain.

"I don't kn--"

"Choose your next words carefully, bitch."

Shima pressed the barrel of the gun into Hanataro's temple and took the safety off. The man let out another sob and begged for him to let him explain himself. "Okay, okay! I know he hangs out around this strip club a lot called 'Sugar Daddy's'. If you wanna look for him then you should look there." He said. Shima and Bon locked eyes and Shima tossed Bon the keys, watching him walk down the alley and towards the car. He looked back down at Hanataro and pet him on the head.

"You did real good tonight buddy. Don't let me find out that you've been running your mouth about this to the cops or to anyone else because if I do, there will be hell to pay. If our ass is grass, then your's is six feet under. Yeah?"

Hanataro nodded frantically and Shima flipped the 9 mm in his hand, knocking him over the head with it before making his way down the alley.


Kinzo and Juzo weren't sure why they had been called into the police station. They had hoped that Shima hadn't been in anymore trouble. He was a real bad ass in high school, involved in a lot of gang activities. He had sworn that he would change after his sister had been hurt, but they couldn't figure out another reason the cops would ask them to be there.

Then they saw Amaimon there too.

"What's going on here?" Juzo asked to no one in particular. Amaimon seemed slightly irritated but his usual demeanor was still present.

"Juzo, Kinzo, and Amaimon?"

All three of them turned to see an officer approaching them. "Yes sir. What's all this about?" Kinzo asked. The officer sighed, looking over some papers attached to a clipboard. "You're all members of the TCU football team, right?" The overweight officer asked. The three of them exchanged a look of confusion, but nodded nonetheless.

"Come with me. I have something I think that you should see."


Upon walking into the strip club, Bon immediately felt the urge to puke. It was just disgusting...filthy. Shima seemed to be amused by it though.

"You see him?"

"Nope...but I do see something else. Isn't that Mila?"

And sure enough, Mila was sliding down one of the poles in nothing but a thin piece of underwear and a pair of stilettos. Shima took his phone and snapped a few pictures, putting a hand on Bon's shoulder when he started walking towards her. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked the pinkette, who smirked and pocketed his phone shortly after. "It's called blackmail, bro. Besides, you can't just go yank her off stage. We wait. Then we proceed to fuck her up." He answered. Bon started to see the plan that his best friend had set into motion and leaned against the wall, turning down one of the dancers that came his way.


"That's him...but...what happened?"

"Drug overdose. They brought him in around 6 AM. Found him in a stolen car at a gas station with no ID and no clothes. Got a tip that he was on the team so we brought you guys in to ID him."

Shiratori's body seemed pale and sickly as it lay on the metal table, a sheet covering the lower half of his body. Beneath his eyes were red and angry and there were scratches along his arms. To find him naked in a stolen car and overdosed on drugs seemed more like a murder than a suicide.

"No evidence points to this being a murder. The skin under his fingernails belonged to him...the kid must have had one hell of a drug problem. He had X in his system like nobody's business." The officer said. Juzo sighed and Kinzo felt his stomach turn.

"Right...right. Um...well, yeah it's him. You can release a statement and go on and call his parents."

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