23. Trust In Me

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Rin stood over Bon as he slept in his hospital bed. The doctor insisted running more test but Rin was more concerned over the fact that Bon lied to him. Izumo came and got Shiemi an hour prior to keep her out of the line of fire.

Rin reached over and grabbed his extra pillow from the hospital chair and whacked it over Bon's head until he shot up from the bed.

"What?! What?!"

"Get your lying ass up. Now."

Bon's eyes went wide and he looked over at Rin and then around the hospital room.

"I'm in the hospital?"

"Best place for you too, because I'm about to fuck you up."

Rin continued assaulting Bon with the pillow and Bon blocked his face from the blows.

"Baby, wait! Wait! What did I do?!"

"You know damn well what you did!!"

He dropped the pillow and started hitting him with his hands. Bon grabbed Rin's hands and firmly held them in place. "Can you at least try to use your words, honey?" He asked. Rin tried to pull himself out of Bon's grip and failed. "Don't you 'honey' me! Who have you been sleeping with, Bon, because it ain't me! Dammit, you swore you wouldn't do this to me! Why would you do this to me!" He cried. Tears stung at the corners of his eyes and Bon's skin paled.

"What are you--"

"Don't you dare open your mouth to lie to me. The doctor says that your exhaustion came from having too much sex. I called your mom and she lives in fucking OSAKA so tell me where in the great blue fuck you actually were."

Busted. Maybe if he tried to explain...

"...Okay. I know that this is gonna sound like bullshit, but I really can explain." He said. Rin snatched his arms away and folded then over his swollen belly.

"Maybe you should sit do--"

"I don't want to fucking sit down, Ryuji. Talk or my shit will be moved out before you get home and you will never step foot near my baby." Rin threatened. Bon's eyes widened and his heart nearly stopped. "You wouldn't do that, would you baby? You wouldn't really leave me and keep me away from our baby." He said in disbelief. "I'm carrying the baby, so it's MY baby. If you don't speak up in the next five seconds you will be single and on child support." He said.

Holy shit, he's serious.

"This girl...that I used to bone...she came to me a few weeks ago. I didn't want to be bothered but she barged her way in and she...she...um..."

"Spit it out."

"She forced herself on me-- I didn't want to hurt her!"

Rin paused, absorbing the information that he had been handed.


"I kicked her out and I didn't see her again but a few days after you came back, she texted me and...she said that if I didn't do what she wanted then she would tell the cops that I raped her and convince you that I was unfaithful so that you would leave me."

"But you are unfaithful. You hid this from me. How do I know that you're not lying?" Rin asked. Just then, Bon's phone began vibrating again. Rin reached for it and it was the same unknown number that he had seen earlier.

I want sex. Meet me in the old music building and don't bring a condom this time, I want to start doing it raw.

Rin's eyes widened and he looked over at Bon.

"Did you fuck her without a condom?"

"No! No, baby, of course not."

Rin hit the call button and dialed the number. It didn't take long for it to pick up.

"What? Get your ass--"

"Listen, you nasty bitch, I don't want you anywhere near my boyfriend ever again. You're number will be blocked and this is your last chance not to catch a beating and a restraining order, okay?"

"...He's mine. I will do what it takes to--"

"Ah, ah, ah. Shut the fuck up and hang up the phone. We're not talking anymore."

The line went dead and Rin went back and blocked her number.

"You're getting checked for STDs."

"But you'll stay with me, right?"

"...Yes. It would probably kill me to leave you. But baby, you have to let me help you sometimes. Don't hide stuff from me, I want you to be in our lives." Rin said, rubbing his stomach. Bon reached put and rubbed his stomach too, leaning over to kiss it as well. "Yeah, I wanna be there for you and for little Ai." He said. Rin raised a brow. "Ai?" He repeated. Bon nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Unless you don't like that name." He said.

"What if it's a boy?"

"Ho, ho, ho, it's...it's not a boy, honey. Believe me."

"And how the hell do you know?" Rin asked. Bon shook his head and sighed. "Nevermind, don't worry about it." He said, leaning over to kiss Rin on the lips. Rin turned his head and put his hand in Bon's face. "No. You're not gonna kiss me until you get checked. For all I know, you could have been licking some kind of infected vagina. You could have Blue Waffle (A/N: it's an STD) for all I know." He said. Bon frowned.

"Okay for one, I don't eat pussy. That's disgusting. Second of all, what the fuck is Blue Waffle?"

"Really? You don't eat pussy? You 69'd me with your tongue in my--"

"That's only for you. Gimme my phone, I'm looking up Blue Waffle."

"You don't wanna do that." Rin said, handing the phone to him anyways. Bon took a moment to go to his browser and type in 'Blue Waffle' in his Google search engine.

The first thing that popped up were pictures.

"Ew, what the fuck?! It looks like...! Like...!"

"Like someone set off a grenade full of nails and blue skittles in there? Yeah, I know."

"NURSE! I need my tests NOW!"

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