Bundle of Sunshine

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Melody's POV

"Melody, wake up sunshine!" screamed my close friend Alisha.

I yelped when I felt her jump on top of me and laugh "get up silly!". I got up and glared at her and she put both of her hands up and stepped away cautiously.

"Calm down tiger."

"You just woke me up from an amazing dream!"

She laughed and patted my head and yelled from her room "We need to get to our lecture before Mr Harris scolds us for being late." With that I bolted out of bed and checked the time 8:25am. I have at least 15 minutes to get ready, I opened my draws while getting some ripped black jeans a cream sweater and some red flats. Call me weird but hey it looks good! I put my light brown hair in a bun and applied some mascara to open up my dark green eyes. I guess you could say that is the best feature on my face! With that I heard my other friend Cassie say "Hurry up! Get your asses in the car." I took that as my cue to grab a banana and granola bar with some water and head off to Wedomby University with my only friends Alisha and Cassie.

Alisha has bright blonde hair which is surprisingly natural with dark brown eyes and pale skin she is the biggest flirt I know.

Whereas Cassie is well Cassie she is weird but I guess that is why we are friends she has bright purple hair and massive bright blue eyes that could be considered clear, she absolutely loves books and comics.

Something Alisha and Cassie have in common is well they have me as a friend but they are both hardcore party animals. As for me well I am pretty ordinary but I like it. I don't really like parties but I tend to go to some here and there. My Mum and Dad are teachers at a school an hour and a half away from here and I want to own a bakery so I am getting a Business Degree and some other one to do with food. Cassie and Alisha were friends from high school for some reason I was the average girl, Alisha was the most popular girl and well Cassie was the nerd, we became friends not just friends but sisters. Cassie has her license and we had enough money to buy an apartment so we all teamed up and bought one.

"Hurry up Mel! We are going to be late!" Alisha yelled over her shoulder.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I laughed and jogged up to catch up with them but also balancing my notebook and other stationary that is needed. We entered the building and headed straight to our lecture. Once inside the room Alisha went to the back to see her cheerleader friends and well the "head cheerleader" fake friend Molly and her minions. Cassie went to middle to talk to the geeks and well me I went to the front to the left a bit and sat alone. That is usually how I like it so I can have some space to think and well learn.

I heard a huge bang coming from the classroom entrance. Of course, in walks in Chase Wellington also known as the "trouble-maker" or the "bad boy" most girls are attracted to him and most guy are his friend but one group of guys I don't know their names but I am sure rumours will be buzzing around university about it judging by the bruise forming on his right cheek. To me university is no different to high school. There is still gossip, drama, boys, and let us not forget for some off reason there is a cheer squad. So really that is why I do not like getting noticed it draws to much drama in your life and I do not need that. I saw Chase walking towards me only to walk past me and sit two rows behind me as usual. I checked my watch and saw the the professor will be here in exactly one minute, he always shows up at 9:00am on the dot. I started getting things ready like taking out my pencils and so on. There was a silence of whispers and laughs once the professor walked through the door to start the lesson.

"So the whole concept of building up a management is too............."

And that is how the class went with notes being taken and well the bell ringing signalling that we can leave until we have our next lecture which will be in two days time or we can go grab something at the university's own little cafeteria. Alisha and Cassie decided for a changed they wanted a salad so we went on for a walk to go find the cafeteria, I said I will catch up with them because I had the strong urge to well go to the toilet. So I ventured the grounds to find the nearest toilet which happened to be on the other side of campus. Lucky me right? Not only do I have a long walk but I also have to put up with walking past the two most favourite sororities Capa and Beta. Let us just say the Capa is for the men and Beta for the girls. I also hate the fake ness vibe from everything there. So I lugged my book bag well it isn't mine it is Alisha's but she gave it to me before I went for my walk because she didn't want my arms getting hurt while carrying these books.

I started to look at my surroundings and saw a wonderful black brick wall (note the sarcasm) with a poor nerd pinned up against it with none other than Chase holding him but his blue and red checkered collar. Now if there is one thing I absolutely hate it is bullying but it is also attention so I looked around to see if anyone that I knew and anyone that is really around. No one on sight. I silently approached the two when I heard snippets of the conversation.

"Just. Give. Me. The. Money. Clark." Chase hissed.

"But it is all I have to get something to eat!" Clark whimpered with that Chase took him off the wall and I nearly felt relief thinking I won't have to step in but only to see him slam Clark back into the wall. I immediately ran up to them and shoved Chase off of Clark.

"Leave him alone!" I defended.

Chase laughed.

He actually laughed.

"You need a girl to defend you Clarky?" He mocked while glancing at me with amusement but also malice clear in his ocean blue eyes.

"I said back off Chase!" I pushed at his chest.

His eyes darkened. I turned around to see Clark had ran off.


I turned back around to see the proximity that Chase and I were in. I took a step back and felt my back hit the wall but also see his dark smirk. I decided to make a run for it only to feel hid large tan hand grab my form-arm and smack my back against the wall.


I groaned in pain.

He stepped closer his dark brown hair touching my face, so that if I made a single movement we would be flushed against each other.

Not good.

He smirked and bent down whispering, "Push me again go on."

And that is exactly what I did only find his hands grabbing my wrists and putting them above my head but also taking a step closer in one single movement.

He tsked, "Shouldn't have done that." He bent down again and chanted at a low volume, "If I so ever see you and your bundle of sunshine and heroic acts again I will destroy you."

I struggled out of his grasp but he held on tighter, "Got it?"

I nodded.

He let me go.

I sprinted for the hills.

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