Well Yeah I Did

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Melody's POV

I was cooking bacon and eggs for the girls today since we have our lecture today we need a good breakfast. I saw Cassie stumble down the stairs groaning.

I giggled,"Hey Cass."

She waved and went to the cabinet to grab some panadol while I gave her some water and a plate of breakfast.

"Where is Al?" I questioned.

"Oh, she went for a run she should be home any minute." Cass smiled and took a bite of bacon.

"This is really good Mel!"

I gave Cass a small smile in return while eating my breakfast.

"What time are you getting ready?" Cass said.

"Right, we have to learn, I don't know what is the time?" I looked up at her.

She was already dressed in a black and blue flannel a black tank top and some black skinny ripped jeans with her usual black and white converses and silver watch. Her hair looked awesome in a bun with a dark blue flower on the right.

She looked her watch and responded with, "8:15am"


I quickly cleaned up while putting Alishas plate in the microwave with a note saying that is where her food is and sprinted upstairs to the bathroom. I put my hair in a high ponytail. I applied some mascara and some nude pink lipstick. After that I heard Cassie laugh as I ran past her and to my room.

Glad to know someone takes amusement in me being late.

I grabbed a black skater skirt and a white tank with a black leather jacket. I quickly grabbed some white sandals and put the outfit on. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door shutting and locking it while just getting in the elevator with Alisha and Cassie in there. They were laughing.

I glared at them saying, "You guys suck."

After a while I cracked a smile at them while going the car.

"Good to see you out of a grumpy morning mood missy." Alisha said pinching my side. I laughed while shutting the passenger side door.

"Haha." I say sarcastically.

Once we pulled up a university while deciding on a race to out lecture room.

As always Alisha won while Cassie and I trailed behind and then went to our assigned seats.

I looked at my watch and saw we had 10 minutes till class actually starts.


I saw Chase walk in and thought nothing of it until he say right next to me.

"What are you doing!" I hissed quietly.

"What do you think? Sitting next to you ." He said in a 'duh' tone.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

• • •

I heard the bell and Alisha come up to say that we are meeting Cassie at the cafeteria.

Alisha looked at me and it looked like she wanted to say something.

"What?" I sighed.

"Nothing it is just well, why was Chase sitting next to you?" She asked.

"I don't know, he just gets me so confused like I do not know if I like him or not and when he kissed me Alisha when he kissed me it felt great even if it was for a few seconds and then he just goes all "GRRR" and it is really messing with me." I ground out.

She nodded taking it in and then decided to say carefully, "Maybe you need to talk to him that way there are no hmmmm complications."

I nodded and then felt some scaly nails grab my arm.


"Hey Melody can I speak to you privately?" She spoke with fake sweetness.

"No I do not want to talk to you at ALL Molly." I hissed.

"You need to back away from Chase or I tell you what Mel." She spoke like she was full of venom.

I glared at her while saying, "How about you just f off yeah?"

"I don't think you get it Melody, he was mine first!"

"Oi back off Molly!" Alisha stepped in-between Molly and I.

Molly pushed Alisha down and punched me right across the face. I saw Chase push Molly back and say, "I kissed her Molly! So leave my Melody alone!"

I saw Cassie storm up helping Alisha and I up. She checked to see if we were okay and saw my slightly swollen cheek.

She pushed Chase away and slapped Molly straight across the right cheek, she screamed, "LEAVE MELODY ALONE YOU FAKE BARBIE! DONT MESS WITH HER OR ALISHA OR YOU WILL HAVE ME TO DEAL WITH!"

She grabbed Alisha and I's arm and I saw Chase walk up to me but she told him to back off dragging us to the car. Once we got inside I burst out in laughter. Soon after they joined.


It is a Saturday and Alisha Cassie and I decided to go to the beach. I let my hair down and popped on some chapstick. I chose out an all black bikini which has a strapless top. I put that on and also got a white summer dress and black flats. I grabbed my white purse and phone.

Racing down the stairs I looked at Alisha and Cassie and smiled while saying, "Let's go girls!"

They laughed and got in the car.

Once we reached Warndale beach we started walking down the pathway which lead to our favourite place on the beach where we can tan, swim, and talk. I linked arms with Cassie and Alisha.

I have great friends. They have always been there for me and I really appreciate it. I decided that will come up in conversation.

Once we reached where we wanted to be I saw the last two people I wanted to see at all this weekend.

Chase and Molly.

Not only did I hear them but I also saw them.


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