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Listen to the song first so you get the rhythm.

Melody's POV

We were on our way back to Brock's everyone thought it would be better to go by car. So now we are all squashed in Nathaniel's car with barely any space to breathe.

"Whose idea was this again?" Derrick asked.

"Yours!" we all exclaimed looking at him, he flinched and nodded. Right now I was squished between Cassie and Alisha, Chase, Brock, and Derrick are all at the front in the passenger seat as Nathaniel is driving with an amused smirk.

"You guys alright?" he said humourlessly as we went over a speed bump.

I hit my head on the top of the car, "What do you think?" Alisha replied sarcastically.

He chuckled and turned down a street where Brock's house is located. We all cheered as we pulled up the driveway. I scrambled out of the car and being me, fell flat on my face.

Cassie burst out in laughter saying, "Classic Mel."

Chase offered me a hand and I took it gingerly, "Thanks." I said breathlessly.

"Your welcome." He grinned and walked away.

I turned around and saw Alisha and Cassie mimicking what just happened, "Let's go." I rolled my eyes.

They linked their arms with mine as we made our way to the spare room.

"When do you think we can go back to our apartment?" Alisha asked. "Dunno, we should be able to sooner or later." Cassie chose her words carefully.


I jumped up when a pop up came up on the movie we were watching, taking big chunk of popcorn shoving it in my mouth. Alisha jumped up and snuggled closer in the blanket as Cassie had an insane grin on.

She loves these sorts of things.

I heard a strum of a guitar above me and faint singing. We all took one look at each other and decided to all sneak up the stairs to where to sound is coming from. I went up the stairs and tripped on one. Alisha had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing as Cassie huffed and went in front of me. We wandered around the top floor looking for the boys. I saw a door that was slightly open and looked through the crack to see all of the boys sitting around the couch.

Brock was holding the guitar strumming it lightly as Derrick was whistling and Chase, I don't know what he was doing.

I caught the title of the song they had on the laptop; it was 'Never Be Alone' by Shawn Menders.

Nathaniel was running around setting up recording equipment.

Wow. Chase wasn't kidding when he said he was a part of a band.

Well, no duh.

I whispered at Alisha and signalled for her to come over we sat down, soon after Cassie joined. We sat at a safe distance to be able to hear the words but they can't see us.

Take piece of my heart and make it all your own

So when we are an apart

You'll never be alone, you'll never be alone

Chase's words were soothing and comforting; Brock smiled and played his guitar smoothly. Derrick joined in after,

You'll never be alone.

After they all started humming the tune, and then whistling. It sounded amazing, angelic even.

They were in perfect harmony.

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