c h a p t e r 2 7 ♦

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After another few days in DC, the group all went to Philadelphia, (WHOO HOO PHILLY CHEESESTEAK!) and went back home.

At school, a ton of work was awaiting them and the only ones that helped were Peach and Aurora.

"So how was DC?" inquired Peach, who had an awesome personality like Honey and was the same height as Hiro.

"AMAZING!" replied Honey with rapture. She took an interest in Peach, who dressed in blues, reds, and yellows.

"It was fun, but now I'm exhausted!" said Gogo, yawning.

Aurora had her face buried deep in a book and had maneuvered her way around a pole skillfully, like she did a lot.

Fred said, "hey, let's go to the library to finish our work," and the group, lead by Peach, diamond hair glinting, trailed along to the library for preparation of schoolwork.

"Auggh," moaned Fred as he flopped on the table. The librarian, Sophie, gave him a quiet motion and went back to typing on her computer.

"We should take a break!" said Honey, fiddling with her pencil which had a mini Chem ball at the top (for emergencies)

"OK!" whispered Peach, "we should all take a break, besides it's already dark and I live on campus during weekdays. Everyone should come to my place."

Fred, Hiro, and Wasabi sat awkwardly until Fred said, "Hiro and Wasabi can come to my place!"

"Then its settled." replied Honey Lemon while nudging Gogo awake. "Till tomorrow."

Everyone echoed till tomorrow and walked out of the florescent lights of the library into the darkness of campus, illuminated by only a few lamps.

At Peach's dorm, the girls had a sleepover and ate the secret stash of candy Honey had concealed in her purse. At Fred's dorm, the boys fell asleep on the floor so there isn't much to talk about there.

Picking up a caramel, Aurora sat on a bed and ate it while silently reading, and Honey, Gogo, and Peach sat on the floor in a circle of blankets.

"So where is your other roommate?" asked Gogo, eating a strawberry and cream chew.

"She usually doesn't come here often, she has her own apartment even though freshman aren't supposed to." replied Peach as she twirled a lollipop between two fingers.

Honey Lemon's hair was in a high braid and when she let it out, golden waves cascaded down her back. "Well, on another note, let's all do something fun and daring before we go to bed."

"That sounds like something I would say." said Gogo, a little questioning.

"I'm in!" exclaimed Aurora from the bed.

"OK you guys. Wait a second."said Peach, "what are we doing, exactly?"

"Well here's the plan," answered Honey Lemon as she leaned in to tell her idea.

The next day, hundreds of tiny spheres dotted the campus, each one containing a small positive message.

Honey Lemon highfived a sleepless Aurora, cranky Gogo, and a super excited Peach.

"We did well." said Peach, watching as a students picked up a sphere and read the message, a smile slowly spreading across the once sad face.

"You can always have more room for optimism." yawned Aurora.

The group had snuck out in the middle of the night with the small spheres containing a small message to brighten someone's day.

"The only optimism I need," retorted Gogo, "is the kind that will get me results. Do you have more candy?"




The picture included is of hirogo's child. Cute huh?♥

Hope for the best ♥(HiroGo)Where stories live. Discover now