c h a p t e r 1 7 ♠

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Valentine's Day. A day for celebrating with your loved ones. A beautiful day. (Except for #foreveralone people like me XD) Hiro sat and wondered how he could make this Valentine's special for Gogo.

Chocolate was common and waaaay overpriced. Roses were cliché and mediocre. Jewellery was like saying, I cared, but not enough to spend time on something like a card. Speaking of cards, that wasn't the type of creative gift Hiro wanted to give either.

So what could he do?

Honey Lemon was also thinking. What could she do? She was alone, since Tadashi had... left. Another Valentine's day dilemma.

And then Gogo was contemplating. What should she get Hiro? Something homemade? Or store bought? She couldn't think of anything.

The gang rendezvoused at the park outside the cafe. The weather was still chilly, and they sat around warming their hands on hot lattes.

They all chatted for awhile but then the wind blew harder so they all left with friendly farwells and all went home to think.

Hiro went back in the cafe and grabbed a donut before going back upstairs to his room. He sat and started sketching. Then, suddenly, he had an idea! He finished up his sketching and set to work on his homework, but he couldn't keep his mind off of Gogo (typically lovebird syndrome). After awhile he went to bed, satisfied and was already planning.

The next day Hiro woke with renewed vigor. He got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As he ate his eggs, Hiro observed couples through the cafe windows, walking, talking, caressing gently. 

"Goodbye Aunt Cass!" he said and raced out the door.

On his way to school, Hiro hummed along until he felt a sharp flick on his arm and turned to see Gogo, on her bike, also heading towards school. 

"Want a ride?" she asked.



I cannot believe it.

I can't

I'm overwhelmed.



Ok y'all. You can give some present ideas in the comments below for Gogo's present. Part 2 of Valentine's will be out maybe next Saturday!!!! 

And so here I was procrastinating on everything and I go and read my old parts in my story. I see all the comments some readers have made and I'm still so amazed that I could make someone happy and look forward to the next chapter. It was so amazing and still is to see all of you souls out there reading this fanfic. It causes such wonder in me that my little story that started out as a tiny idea blossomed into something so many people enjoy ( I think) and its awesome. Thank you everyone. I'm overly grateful. To all of you. Frankly you all have changed my life. I'll try to update at least once per 2 weeks (that's all I have time for at this point)

So. I still have it in me for a totally shameless self promo. Omg (-__-)

Find me on YouTube @shinea1204 doodles!


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