c h a p t e r 7 ♠

409 11 4

Honey Lemon sat at her house pondering what to do about the ingredients. She truly wanted to help but she couldn't think of a way to even get the first one.

She decided to just listen music for the time being. Or maybe she should watch a sad movie! That would be true sadness right? Or would that be forced...?

She didn't really feel like crying, because crying always makes you feel super uncontrollable.

Well, there would have to be some more team discussion.

Obviously summer vacation's end wasn't going to cut it.

Fred and Wasabi weren't really pondering the ingredients, they were playing Minecraft so I'll just skip their perspectives.


I've changed my mind. Maybe this is interesting after all.

Fred burst into heartfelt creeper induced tears. His house and farm had blown up to bits.

"Oh my gosh! Fred you're crying!" shouted Wasabi, "I've got to catch this!" He took an empty water bottle and caught some of Fred's tears.

"Yes," Wasabi muttered quietly as he texted Gogo, "thank you creeper."

"Noooooo," moaned Fred.

Gogo wasn't about to cry anytime soon, and she was at her wits end! Suddenly, a text from Wasabi woke her from her thoughts.

Heyo! Fred cried over Minecraft! Got the tears!

Yes! Gogo wondered how that had happened. Leave it to college age man like Fred to cry over a game.

One ingredient down. That was pretty good progress.
Hello guys!!

How's it going? Sorry for the short update! I'll try to write more, but I like the 2 minute reads!

This week's stats are:

√9510 reads
√536 votes

Thank you again so much! I know I say that alot, but it's true!! Also I'm sorry there isn't hirogo much, and hope you will stick with me until the end.

So my messages for this week are as follows:

Giving credit where credit is due!! I use characters for other books sometimes, or places or references, and I know they are not mine. I'm not claiming rights for those. I'm claiming rights for my own storyline and characters only!!


I was on the what's hot list but I forgot to put up the picture!!! So here it is! I hope I'm not boasting by doing that, but I was excited. As you can see from the pic, I only had 4000 reads then. I have double that now thanks to you guys!!!


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