c h a p t e r 6 ♠

414 12 4

Gogo felt like crying, which would have been great because check! one ingredient done off the list.

But no, no tears.

She hadn't been able to cry since Hiro had gone and Marcus was starting to get on her nerves as well.

"Well, you know," Gogo said, "we're not really going anywhere..." She laughed nervously.

"Umm.. Ok." Marcus sounded unconvinced, "I'll be leaving for Cremona, Italy tomorrow and wanted to know if I could help today, but I'll be staying in Cremona for a couple years." He looked at Gogo, "and I wanted to tell you the truth-"

"What he means to say is" interrupted Honey Lemon, randomly bursting in the doorway, "he wanted to say buh bye before he left!"

"Well, in that case," stated Gogo, "nice meeting you, and have a safe trip as well!"

"Yeah.. See ya!" And then Marcus left.

The door firmly closed behind her, Gogo breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't think things like that happened like that in real life. Just her luck that Marcus was leaving.

Now to get the first ingredient...

Gogo was guessing that a forced tear of sadness wouldn't do, but how could they get a tear out of sheer sadness? That would take ages!

"Hey!" Fred interrupted her thoughts, "let's strategize."

"You? Strategize?" questioned Wasabi.

"You guys, let's focus." said Honey.

"First off," said Gogo, "How are we to get a real tear of sadness?"

"I'm not sure," said Honey dubiously,"maybe we should wait a few days and let it come naturally? I mean, hey, summer vacay's almost over, who wouldn't shed a few tears about that?"

Everyone agreed to this, and they all parted ways, as the night had grown quite inky black all of a sudden.

As Gogo walked, she stared at the stars, which were barely visible in the heavy San Fransokyo smogy air.

Gogo slowly trudged up the many flights of filthy moth ridden stairs to number 45 apartment room, she opened the creaky metal door and went in.

She now lived alone, having gotten an apartment and whatnot. But it always felt lonely. Especially with Hiro gone. It was like she could never stop thinking about him.

She waited.

But nope. No tears. It's like her tears were saying, nope none for you go forth noble steed and forever have no tears.

Yes... That wasn't crazy at all.
Hello guys!!

I'm writing this part early, but when this part is published, I'll probably be in 9th grade. Yes!! High school! And now it will probably be limited to one update per week unless I'm feeling super inspired or something.

So since I updated last Saturday, I'm updating now on Tuesday so that means I'll be publishing agajn sometime next week.

Also, I'm trying to start my business, and when that starts I'll be pretty happy and also less busy too, so more time for writing am I right?

So thanks again, and my story has raked in these stats so far:

∆9190 reads
∆527 votes

Thanks you guys!! For being so awesome! 

So toodles for now!

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