c h a p t e r 1 8 ♠

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Hiro had an idea.

Not just one present for Gogo, but two!

First he would get her an upgrade for her bike to make if faster, and second, he had folded beautiful gemstones out of shiny jewel like origami paper. The gems were small so it made a gorgeous bracelet.

Now he just needed a good opportunity to present them.

Gogo decided on making coconut sugar cookies with pink frosting because something homemade will always do the trick for your loved ones!

Hiro called Gogo on the phone, and they decided to rendezvous at the park with cherry blossom trees that were blossoming nicely.

Hiro got to the park and saw Gogo, sitting on a bench, hair blowing around her face, and looking out onto the water of the glistening pond, not seeing him yet.

"Hey" said Hiro, sitting down.

She looked mildly startled then said, "Here. I made these myself, I hope you like them."

Hiro lifted the cellophane and tasted one. They were delicious, and he ate 3 before he remembered the gift he had brought.

"And this is for you"

Hiro took out the shining bracelet, from a box, the facets of gems glinting in the sunlight. The delicate gold chains tinkled softly

"Wow!" admired Gogo, "that's amazing!" She seemed to be at a loss for words, astonished even.

"Try it on"

And she did. It fit perfectly.
Heya heya!

Hope you enjoyed this part, please vote and comment! Sorry it was a bit shorter than usual.

I revamped the cover to this story and now it looks cleaner! I really like it.

Happy Valentines day!

we are the crystal gems♪

Hope for the best ♥(HiroGo)Where stories live. Discover now