☆Chapter Two☆

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(Brett's Song- Fire N Gold - Bea Miller)

                              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     "Collision with the blasted bench."

                                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Seriously - It's not necessary! I can't go to the hospital." I pleaded as Gabriel placed me in a large black jeep, it was a beautiful car- not as beautiful as Grandma mustang (I was a little biased), but beautiful. "I'm not taking no for an answer. Your clearly hurt, have a large fucking gash on your forehead, and you may have a broken ankle. You're going to the fucking hospital Sparky." Gabriel said, with a hint of irritation in his voice. I glared harshly at him in return, "I'm grateful that you're helping me, but my car is still here-I just got it this morning for fucks sake! My grandpa will have a stroke if I don't bring it home!" I spoke with a hiss as a wave of dizziness swept over me. I huffed and pulled my hand away from my forehead as Gabriel strapped me in.

"I'll get North to bring your car with us, we have a friend- who's a fucking doctor by the way-and everything will be fine." He soothed as he got inside the driver's seat of the large jeep. I cringed as the fresh blood started leaking down the side of my face and I pressed my hand, once again to the large gash on my forehead, trying my very best to ignore the crippling pain in my left ankle.

If and when we get to the hospital, I was going to have to keep a lookout for Grandpa, I couldn't let him see me like this, like what happened after the crash...Harsh flashbacks made me wince back into my seat as pictures of my bloody face, my arm bent at an odd angle and quickly, I shook myself away from my thoughts when a large warm hand placed itself on my head. I jerked back instinctively and look up into beautiful dark brown eyes.

I held in a gasp as I looked into one the eyes of the man who accidentally knocked into me. North. He was one of the most good-looking men I've ever seen. With his dark hair, dark eyes, thick dark brown scruff along his broad jaw. He was dressed entirely in black clothing, a gold hoop in his left ear, as well as a cord, holding a pendant with a Japanese symbol, which I quickly translated into the word 'Brother'. I nearly started drooling when I saw tribal tatts creeping up past the neckline of his long -sleeved black shirt, creeping up his neck. Holy fuck, hopefully he was covered in Tattoos! I gulped as I looked back into his eyes and tried to will the dark red flush creeping up my neck, North cocked his brow, and absentmindedly scratched at the coarse dark hair lining up his jaw. Can this man get any more attractive?

"Can I have the keys?" He asked, and I nearly melted as his deep voice entered my ears and I nodded jerkily and plundered through my bag to grab my car keys and placing them into his large hands with one hand, while my other hand stayed firmly planted on my forehead. "Thank you." I whispered shyly, trying to ignore Gabriel, who had a teasing smirk on his handsome face. North turned and left and my wide awed eyes stayed firmly on his tall, gorgeous frame.

"What car is it?" Gabriel asked snickering to himself. "Cherry Red Mustang..." I answered back dreamily as I stared at North. What a man...I thought as Gabriel sent a message to North, informing him of which car was mine.

I tapped my fingers in a rhythm on my thigh, meanwhile feeling like an idiot, acting like a stupid love-struck teenager in front of North and Gabriel. I smile softly as Gabriel pulled out of the parking lot and cast a glance over at me, "So how do you feel?" He asked hesitantly and I shrugged, "I'm fine. It throbs, but I'll be fine." I said convincingly, After the accident- a gash and a broken bone was mild. Kinda.

"So-I haven't seen you around here before. You're new to Charleston?" He asked and I nodded my head with a wry smile, "Yeah. Just got here last night, I'm staying with my grandfather." I nodded. Gabriel's eyes widened as he let loose a whistle, "Damn. It's your first day in town, and you already got fucking hurt. That's got to suck." He said as he watched me comb my hand through my hair. "You got that right. But this town doesn't seem that bad." I spoke honestly. Gabriel smiled, "So how are the schools here? I'm going to see if I'll be able to attend my first public school-hopefully gramps will let me." I said as I looked out the window of the jeep, almost missing his shocked look. "How old are you?" He asked curiously, "Seventeen." I replied simply and his eyebrows flew up in surprise, "Holy Fuck! I thought you must at least be eighteen or nineteen." He said and I laughed loudly, before wincing, "I get that a lot. So how are the schools?" I asked him again. Gabriel sighed, "Well Ashley Waters used to be a shitty as fuck school, until it got cleaned out a couple years ago when my brothers and I attended. It still looks shitty-but it's a good school now." He explained laughing.

"So... how old are you?" I asked, thinking he was around twenty or so. Gabriel bit his plump bottom lip before answering, "Twenty-three." He replied simply and I nodded quietly. Why did all the hot guys have to be older than me?

"I hope to at least make some friends. Never had any before." I said quietly, rubbing my left leg, to try to ease the swelling. I took off my converse, as it was getting painfully tight, way too tight. I sighed in relief as some of the pressure was taken away. I stuffed my shoe in my bag. When I finally looked up Gabriel asked, "What do you mean? -Never had friends?" He asked running a hand through his russet and blonde streaked hair. "I've been homeschooled my entire life, and that means that I'm socially awkward. That and I stayed in my home studying to get into the collage I've been wanting to get into since I was seven." I explained as his phone beeped.

"Can you answer that for me?" Gabriel asked, without taking his eyes of the road, laden with traffic. I nodded and grabbed his top-of-the line iPhone, and asked, "What's your password?" I asked him as I studied the layout of his lock screen. "1234..." He said trialing off as I gave him a look. "You seriously have to change that," I started off laughing loudly as I pressed a napkin to my forehead, "Your phone can get broken into easier." I pointed out as a blush stained his cheeks. "I keep forgetting my password, it's easier!" He argued weakly as he pulled into the hospital parking lot and parking fairly close to the entrance. I clicked on the message's app on his phone,

"Gabriel? You have a text from a guy named Owen." I told him, His eyes widened as I handed him his phone and he clicked open the message and relief washed over his face.

"Oh yeah, my brothers are going to meet us here in about half an hour." He explained and I nodded and opened the door, "Let's get this over with, Shall we?" I grinned as he hopped out quickly and rushed over to the passenger side of the jeep and swung me gently into his arms, holding me close to his chest. "So, who'll be my doctor?" I asked, mentally praying over and over that Gramps wasn't going to be near where I was. "Probably Sean - He's my brother I was telling you about earlier."

I just nodded and held onto him tightly, closing my eyes tightly to avoid any extra dizziness as Gabriel walked inside the hospital. Instantly, the scents of bleach and hand sanitizer and other sterilizing agents filled my nostrils, and I wrinkled my nose at familiar scent. Goodness, I hope this is over soon.

"Gabriel? Uh - I don't feel too hot..." I started saying as black spots started invading my vision, as Gabriel sat me on my feet, or tried too. I lifted my injured ankle up off the ground as he cupped my face in his hands. "What's wrong?" He asked frantically, and I didn't reply, only tightening my grip on his shoulders as I tried to stay conscious.

"Gabe? What's wrong?" A male voice asked, jogging up behind me. I whirled around in surprise, as my eyes caught onto beautiful emerald, green eyes. I smiled up at him dazed, before I crumpled to the ground, out cold.



Second chapter of BRETT! Hope you enjoyed!



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