☆Chapter Twenty-Two☆

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             °•° Unexpected News °•°

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             °•° Unexpected News °•°

--------- "Feel better?" Nathan smiled, wrapping his arms around me. I nodded without replying.
Was I ready to talk to them so soon?

"Let's get you downstairs." He grinned a bit before setting up. "Do I have to change?" I questioned, he looked down at my silk shorts before scowling, "If you want to---but keep in mind the Tomas are downstairs."

"I'll change then. I'll be down in a minute." I croaked as he walked out. I sighed before looking to Xena.

She had her eyes closed she she slept--four paws stuck in the air. I gave a small, forced smile and walked towards my dresser and grabbed a pajama set.
I soon grew frustrated for no reason and threw my clothes on the bed in a huff, as I pulled my knees to my chest as a tear dripped down my chin.

What was wrong with me? Why did I feel so emotional? I knew it wasn't my period.

"Darling?" Large hands pressed on my knees before I jumped and looked down at Mr. Blackbourne, who suddenly appeared.
I didn't smile, or do anything but silently cry. That only seemed to worry him more.
Mr. Blackbourne was always the one I confided in. The first man I had ever told of my nightmares and my darkest fears--it made sense that I suddenly threw myself into his arms--crying into his neck.

"Let it all out, Darling. I'm here for you." His words only made me cry harder. While I released my pent up emotions I came to a realization that terrified me.

I loved him.

....I loved all of them.

But I was too scared to admit it out loud.
"Do you feel better now?" He softly kissed my head.

"Mhm." I hummed before pulling back and wiping my eyes. I knew I looked like a complete mess. Every single time I cried my face turned a blotchy red and under my eyes puffed up.
"Come here." He beckoned, "Let's get you changed Darling."

"Yes Mr. Blackbourne." I nodded and lifted my arms so he could slip my shirt off,

"---Owen. Call me Owen, Darling." He gave me a large smile.

"Holy fuck!" My mouth dropped open. "What is it?" His beautiful smile was gone--replaced with a frown.

"Y-you s-smiled! Like really smiled!" I giggled and jumped into his arms. "Do it again!" I begged as his lips pursed to hide his amusement.

"No." He growled, before pushing me against the wall. "Remember when you left me wanting Darling?" He whispered as his lips trailed down my neck. I let out a satisfying moan as he nipped my ear. "This is revenge." He smiled against my neck as his hands pushed my shorts down my hips, leaving me in my strapless bra and panties.

"Christ---your so beautiful..." He groaned into my ear as he looked down my body. He finally let go and pinned my hands above my head, pining them to wall as his lips slammed onto mine.

Why does tingles erupted everywhere when I kiss one of them? I'll never get tired of this feeling. Ever.

Our lips smacked against each others sweetly as we took our time, savoring the time we had together.

Finally, after a couple minutes Owen pulled away and smirked, finger ghosting over his swollen lips.

"Owen..." I whined and tried to pull him back to me. "I love it when you whimper my name," He nipped at my lips before stepping back.
"Now get dressed before all my self control flies down the drain." He commanded and I slumped my shoulder but nodded.

We needed to discuss everything downstairs.

"I'm not looking forward to seeing that dickhead downstairs." I grumbled and pulled on a pair of leggings, a oversized sweatshirt and my uggs. Owen smirked slightly, "I didn't think you were. What did Mr. Ravenstahl say that upset you?" He questioned as he grabbed the brush from my hands before brushing my butt-length hair himself.

"He called me a hooker." I admitted quietly, afraid of his reaction.

His fucking hand froze mid-stroke, and I looked back at him. "Owen? What's wrong?"

"He called you a prostitute?" Owen sounded fucking livid--to the point his hands were shaking.

Fuck a duck.

"I'm just joking!" I laughed loudly, hoping my retort would calm him.

"You better be." He swallowed and pulled away, grasping my hand in his.

While we were walking downstairs; I absentmindedly traced the scar on his hand as he winked down at me.

"Baby!" North called as he saw us walking down. I looked up at Owen before I let go of and his and jumped down into North's arms.
"I've been so worried. We all have." He mused into my ear.
"I know." I replied, sending him a smile.

"Tiny!" Nathan cheered as he threw me up into the air, before catching me as I giggled happily.

"Pumpkin!" Sean smirked before kissing me quickly, leaving me in absolute shock. His lips were so fuckimg soft.

"Pancake, come here--" Luke wiggled his brows before pecking me on the cheek while holding me close. "Get the fuck away from Sparky! My turn!" Gabe growled at Kota, "Hold on Gabe!" Victor snarked as he kissed the top of my hand.
Silas and Gabriel were the only boys I had yet to greet; but first--I had a bone to pick with the greek giant that sat on the couch.

Where was Gramps, Mom, and the Toma Team? I quickly shook them from my thoughts as everyone sat down.

But me? I stayed standing as I crossed my arms--leveling a glare at the beautiful man holding his shoulder.

"Silas." I raised a brow as he looked away, swallowing hard.

"I told you Pumpkin would be mad." Sean snickered before being flicked on the head by Owen.

"Yes, Μικρή μου γλυκιά?" He replied nervously, reminding me of Atlas.

"Why are you not resting?" I asked sternly, "I was worried for you," He smiled sweetly.

I could have melted into a puddle.

"I wasn't hurt! You were!" My bottom lip wobbled as my eyes teared up.

"You could died." I croaked as He stood up, towering over my 4'11 frame. My face was buried in his hard stomach as I cradled him to me.

"I promise I will rest, Μικρή μου γλυκιά!" He swore and made me set down beside him. "Okay." I smiled up at him and wrapped both of my arms around his one huge one---cuddling into his bicep.
Although I did make sure I cuddled into his left side---not his right.

"Brett!" Gramps grinned as himself, Mom, and The Toma Team walked inside.

I let my pettiness show as I shot daggers at the smirking russian. I would have thought he was hotter than fuck--if it wasn't for his attitude.

"Yeah Gramps?" I asked, never taking my glare off the Russian.

"Since Volto knows who you are, and where you live---we have to relocate you for the time being." He said sadly as my mouth dropped open.


This couldn't be happening.

I didn't want to leave Charleston.

I didn't want to leave the boys I love.

I didn't want to leave my best friends.

"Brett, you'll be moving in with Toma Team."


I've left you hanging huh? *insert evil cackle*

Until next time!

─ brett ; academy Where stories live. Discover now